Living Danube Limes Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as basis for a Cultural Route

  • Living Danube Limes - Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day
    - 17-06-2021
    Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day

      Hadrian's Wall Networkiing Day   From February 27th to March 5th the annual Hadrian’s...

  • Living Danube Limes - Invitation to a Lecture
    - 14-06-2021
    Invitation to a Lecture

      Living Danube Limes and the romans in Slovakia   Margaréta Musilová from the Municipality...

  • Living Danube Limes - Pilot Site Visit in Százhalombatta/Matrica, Hungary
    - 15-03-2021
    Pilot Site Visit in Százhalombatta/Matrica, Hungary

      Architectural Students for the Preservation and the Contemporary Development of the Historical...

  • Living Danube Limes - First Project Partner Meeting
    - 13-01-2021
    First Project Partner Meeting

      The first partner meeting of the international Living Danube Limes-project, co-financed by the European Union, took place online via ZOOM in December...

  • Living Danube Limes - Workshop on the Reconstruction of the Lusoria, a 4th Century CE Patrol Ship
    - 12-01-2021
    Workshop on the Reconstruction of the Lusoria, a 4th Century CE Patrol Ship

      On December 14, 2020 a workshop on the reconstruction of the lusoria, our 4th century CE patrol ship, was hosted by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. It lasted from...

  • Living Danube Limes - Invitation to an Online Workshop
    - 01-12-2020
    Invitation to an Online Workshop

      From Archeological finds to reconstruction: THE Challenges of reconstructing a Lusoria and the "Danuvina Alacris" in the framework of the EU Interreg DTP project "Living...

  • Living Danube Limes - Public kick-off event shipbuilding
    - 25-11-2020
    Public kick-off event shipbuilding

      On 24. September the kick off for the boat building within "Living Danube Limes" took place in Gunzenhausen...

  • Living Danube Limes - First Local Focus Group Meeting
    - 25-11-2020
    First Local Focus Group Meeting

      The first online Local Focus Group Meeting on 16 September 2020 was attended by Prof. Alexandra Busch (general director of Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum), Prof....

  • Living Danube Limes - Kick-off Meeting
    - 10-11-2020
    Kick-off Meeting

      The kick-off meeting of the international Living Danube Limes-project, co-financed by the European Union, took place online via ZOOM on August 10 and 11,...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)