WACOM Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin

  • WACOM - Regional Workshop (HR/BA), Slavonski Brod (HR), September 16, 2021
    - 17-09-2021
    Regional Workshop (HR/BA), Slavonski Brod (HR), September 16, 2021

    On Thursday, September 16, 2021 in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, the 2nd Regional Workshop was held within the project Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin (WACOM). The workshop "Preparation of the table-top exercise: Accident...

  • WACOM - Regional Workshop (SI/HR), Brežice (SI), September 9, 2021
    - 13-09-2021
    Regional Workshop (SI/HR), Brežice (SI), September 9, 2021

      On Thursday, September 9, 2021 in Brežice, Slovenia, the Regional Workshop was held within the project Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin (WACOM). The workshop "Preparation of the table-top exercise: Accident with...

  • WACOM - First Regional Workshops- Save the date
    - 19-08-2021
    First Regional Workshops- Save the date

    We are happy to announce the First Regional Workshops of the WACOM project. The workshops are a continuation of the process we have already defined at the first national workshop held on May 11th, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 19th, in Croatia,...

  • WACOM - National workshop in HR
    - 04-06-2021
    National workshop in HR

      The first national workshop in Croatia within the WACOM project was held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 online. The aim of the workhsop was to present the project and analyze the current...

  • WACOM - National Workshop in SI
    - 04-06-2021
    National Workshop in SI

    Following successful national workshops in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, as part of the Interreg project WACOM DTP - Water Emergency Management in the Sava River Basin - on 27 May 2021 a national workshop for Slovenian stakeholders was...

  • WACOM - National workshops in RS- Invitation
    - 26-05-2021
    National workshops in RS- Invitation

    We would like to invite you to the 1st national workshop in Serbia within the project WACOM - Management of water-related emergencies in the Sava River Basin. It will be held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, from 9:00 to 13:00 via the online...

  • WACOM - National workshop in SI- Invitation
    - 21-05-2021
    National workshop in SI- Invitation

    We would like to invite you to the 1st national workshop in Slovenia within the project WACOM - Management of water-related emergencies in the Sava River Basin. It will be held on Thursday, May 27, 2021, from 9:00 to 13:00 via the online...

  • WACOM - National workshops in SI, "Save the date"
    - 14-05-2021
    National workshops in SI, "Save the date"

    The first national workshop in Slovenia will take place on 27 May 2021 from 9:00 to 13:00. It will be held live and with a broadcast for participants who will not be able to attend the live event. The workshop is the first in a series of three...

  • WACOM - State workshop in BA
    - 12-05-2021
    State workshop in BA

    On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, an online workshop was held so as to present the project and Analysis of the current situation in the field of flood protection, accidental pollution and emergency situation management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on...

  • WACOM - National workshop in HR
    - 11-05-2021
    National workshop in HR

    On May 19, 2021 the first national workshop will be held in Croatia. It is organized by the HR project partners (Croatian Waters and Ministry for sea, transport and Infrastructure), and in cooperation with the Lead Partner: University of...

  • WACOM - National workshop in BA
    - 04-05-2021
    National workshop in BA

    On May 11, 2021 the first national workshop will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is organized by the BA project partners (Republik Civil protection Administration and Association for Disaster Risk Management AZUR), and in cooperation...

  • WACOM - National workshops "Save the date"
    - 29-04-2021
    National workshops "Save the date"

        BA: May 11, 2021 HR: May 19, 2021 SI: May 27, 2021 RS: June 2,...

  • WACOM - WACOM- article in the local newspaper "Posavski obzornik"
    - 14-04-2021
    WACOM- article in the local newspaper "Posavski obzornik"

    The article on the WACOM project was published in the local newspaper "Posavski obzornik" on March 18, 2021. It describes the engagement of the project partner HESS in the WACOM EU project to enhance the transboundary cooperation on emergencies...

  • WACOM - Visit of WACOM project team at the HR, Ministry of the Interior, Administration of Civil Protection
    - 18-02-2021
    Visit of WACOM project team at the HR, Ministry of the Interior, Administration of Civil Protection

    Dr. Primož Banovec, Andreja Žerjav, - University of Ljubljana, Dr. Robert Mikac- AZUR and Samo Grošelj-ISRBC visited the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Administration of Civil Protection on February 17, 2021 in...

  • WACOM - CESNI/TI Working group on Information Technologies meeting
    - 18-02-2021
    CESNI/TI Working group on Information Technologies meeting

    The representatives of the International Sava River Basin Commission informed the participants of the European Committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation, Working group on Information Technologies (CESNI/TI) meeting,...

  • WACOM - RACVIAC, ISRBC and WACOM team meeting
    - 18-02-2021
    RACVIAC, ISRBC and WACOM team meeting

    The representatives of the University of Ljubljana Prof. Primož Banovec - the WACOM Project Leader and Ms. Andreja Žerjav – the WACOM Project Coordinator, the University of Zagreb Mr. Robert Mikac, and the International Sava River Basin...

  • WACOM - WACOM 4th Technical meeting of project partners
    - 05-02-2021
    WACOM 4th Technical meeting of project partners

    The 4th technical meeting of the WACOM project partners was held on January 29, 2021 online. At the meeting the Incident Command System (ICS) was presented for the potential use to harmonize the incident response to floods and accidental...

  • WACOM - Meetings of the PEG RBM and PEG APC
    - 07-12-2020
    Meetings of the PEG RBM and PEG APC

    On the 27th of November 2020 the 43rd meeting of the Permanent Expert Group for River Basin Management (PEG RBM) and on the 1st of December 2020 the 25th meeting of the Permanent Expert Group for Accident Prevention and Control (PEG APC). These...

  • WACOM - EUSDR PA4 and PA5 SG meetings
    - 07-12-2020
    EUSDR PA4 and PA5 SG meetings

    The WACOM project was presented at the Steering Group meetings of the Priority Area 4 (Water Quality) and PA5 (Environmental risk) of the Danube Region Strategy (EUSDR) which were held in November 2020 on line. The members of the SG are the...

  • WACOM - Kick-off conference (October 16, 2020)
    - 27-10-2020
    Kick-off conference (October 16, 2020)

    The Kick-off conference of the WACOM project was held due to Covid-19 crisis via teleconference on October 16th, 2020 aiming that the wider public get the basic information on the project At the conference was gathered more than 70 participants...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)