Programme and project news and events

  • RADAR - Online Road Infrastructure Safety Training Courses in Moldova
    - 30-04-2020
    Online Road Infrastructure Safety Training Courses in Moldova

    It is the best of times, it is the worst of times… Amid the current global pandemic outbreak that is changing life as we know it, we must also take a step back and find silver lining. Although we at the RADAR – Risk Assessment on Danube Area...

  • ConnectGREEN - From e-corridors to eco-corridors
    - 30-04-2020
    From e-corridors to eco-corridors

    Serbia, 15th April 2020: Work on the ConnectGREEN project continues as the Second National Workshop on the Strategy of Ecological Corridors for the Carpathian countries turned online to move discussions further. As the song goes, the show...

  • DTP projects promoted as good examples of 30 years of Interreg!
    - 30-04-2020
    DTP projects promoted as good examples of 30 years of Interreg!

    Interreg has a celebration this year: 30 years since its creation! Launched in 1990, it has proven that borders are not barriers and has brought Europeans closer together by helping to tackle common challenges and creating new opportunities for...

    - 29-04-2020

    The second Know-how transfer event on the modernisation of Danube vessels will take place on 29 September 2020 (originally planned on 01 April 2020) and will be organised by the Danube Commission in Budapest. The core objective of the event...

  • GRENDEL - New step reached in the elaboration process of the model state aid scheme
    - 29-04-2020
    New step reached in the elaboration process of the model state aid scheme

    The GRENDEL project consortium, INDanube and representatives of Danube countries work together on the elaboration of a state aid model programme promoting sustainable modernisation of inland waterway vessels in the Danube region. A first...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 3rd National Stakeholder Group Meeting in Bulgaria
    - 29-04-2020
    3rd National Stakeholder Group Meeting in Bulgaria

    RAPIV organized the 3rd Bulgarian stakeholder group meeting of WOMEN IN BUSINESS project earlier today - 29.04.2020. During the interactive event the members of the group had a fruitful discussion and provided imput to the draft Policy Agenda...

  • D2C - Spring project activities in Croatia
    - 29-04-2020
    Spring project activities in Croatia

    Spring is very good season for specific field works. Thus, Croatian project partners PI VPC in Virovitica Podravina County spent first two weeks of March by monitoring of a very rare spring flower, Fritillaria meleagris, present on 5 continual...

  • ConnectGREEN - A1 Motorway: Romanian Road Authority accepts environmentalists' solution
    - 28-04-2020
    A1 Motorway: Romanian Road Authority accepts environmentalists' solution

    Romania. April 2020. For the last kilometers that are still to be built as part of A1 Motorway, also known as the Lugoj-Deva Highway, the Romanian road authorities (CNAIR – National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure) support the...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund presented in Slovenia
    - 28-04-2020
    Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund presented in Slovenia

    During a meeting of Local Policy Focus Group Workshop held in Slovenia, organized by Regional development agency Gorenjska - BSC Kranj it was concluded that permanent dialogue with social economy stakeholders should be kept, while the exchange of...

  • Danube Energy+ - Bulgarian Tool Demo Day approaching
    - 28-04-2020
    Bulgarian Tool Demo Day approaching

    Bulgarian partner Cleantech Bulgaria will hold a virtual Demo Day on the 30th of April from 15:00 EEST (14:00 CET). 10 teams of young innovators will pitch their developed innovative business ideas in the field of energy efficiency and...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)