Danube Floodplain Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries

Danube Floodplain Online Course

The course is open! Take the course here.

Course description

Floodplains were through the history the lively part of landscapes, where different land management was synced with the repeating flooding. With the intensification of land use, the floodplains diminished, were drained, settled or even heavily polluting factories were built on them, supported by infrastructure to prevent overflooding. The risk of flooding became hazard to loss of property and lives. Both are increasing under the climate change. According to the recent management and scientific evidence bringing river to its natural path of flooding, is the best possible solution to tackle multiple water, drought, biodiversity and land management related challenges of our time. Danube Floodplain project shows this is possible. In the online course we tackle the cross-cutting water management tools developed for the Danube region, and applicable across its boundaries. We tackle the historical floodplain loss, flood risk, and on application case studies we discuss the win-win measures.

What you will learn?

The Danube Floodplain Online Course is the first course offered on edX by an EU Interreg project. In our case, we have the following goals:

  • to explain the whole concept of Floodplain management;
  • to show practical examples of implementation of floodplain restoration measures;
  • to support sustainability of the tools and knowledge created in the Danube Floodplain project.

For whom is the course?

With this course, we want to address young and mid-level professionals from local, regional or national water authorities and disaster risk reduction area, the SMEs working in flood, water management sector, and students –the future managers. Invited are all, who are willing to develop competences in floodplain management.

Course logistics and requirements

Learners can start and complete the course materials at any time.

Online Winter School to practice your knowledge and connect with other future floodplain managers 

Everyone attending the course will be invited to join our Online Winter School, planned between 15 and 19 November 2021. The online Winter School will aim to (1) link Danube Floodplain's achievements and recently developed scientific methods with working practices in water/flood resource management; (2) share specific Danube experiences in preservation and reservation floodplains for use in floodplain/water management and (3) build further capacities and sharing knowledge for better floodplain management. Register till 31 October 2021 by completing the form available here.


Online Course was coordinated and produced by Global Water Partnership Central and Easter Europe (GWP CEE), and with contributions from Danube Floodplain partners. 

The building of the course and all its components – with 23 experts bringing their experiences to lectures and case studies – has been under way for 8 months. The course topics are covered in 5 modules: 

Module coordinating partners are Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe, Technical University of Munich, National Administration Romanian Waters, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, World Wide Fund for Nature (Hungary & Romania), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and University of Szeged

The course is offered under the TUMx channel.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)