DANUrB DANube Urban Brand

Name Type Email Country
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Lead partner gergely.zsolt@urb.bme.hu Hungary
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava ERDF partner lubica.vitkova@stuba.sk Slovakia
Vienna University of Technology ERDF partner andreas.voigt@tuwien.ac.at Austria
OIKODROM - the Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability ERDF partner michael.anranter@oikodrom.org Austria
Center for Heritage Interpretation ERDF partner mborisova@bitex.com Bulgaria
National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism ERDF partner curea@incdt.ro Romania
National Tourism Cluster "Bulgarian Guide" ERDF partner d.mincheva@bg-guide.org Bulgaria
Vukovar-Srijem County ERDF partner kristina.cernok@vusz.hr Croatia
GPS City Guide Kft (PocketGuide) ERDF partner martin@pocketguideapp.com Hungary
Xellum Advisory Ltd ERDF partner lpuczko@xellum.hu Hungary
Pest County Municipality ERDF partner HantosZ@pestmegye.hu Hungary
Human Resources Development Agency ERDF partner l.ilieva@smebg.net Bulgaria
University for Continuing Education – Danube University Krems ERDF partner peter.morgenstein@donau-uni.ac.at Austria
Municipality of Sturovo ERDF partner gabriel.radosicky@sturovo.sk Slovakia
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism ERDF partner angelica.stan@gmail.com Romania
Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre ERDF partner eszter.davida@kek.org.hu Hungary
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences IPA partner milenakrkljes@gmail.com Serbia
University of Belgrade (UNIV) - Faculty of Architecture IPA partner adjukic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs Serbia
Municipality of Esztergom Associated partner engelbrecht.laszlo@esztergom.hu Hungary
Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, Department for Arts and Culture Associated partner martin.grueneis@noel.gv.at Austria
Bratislava region Associated partner zuzana.sajgalikova@region-bsk.sk Slovakia
City of Komárno Associated partner kik@komarno.sk Slovakia
Turism Association of Komárom Associated partner tamas.szentesi@tdmkomarom.hu Hungary
Municipality of Dunaújváros Associated partner foep@pmh.dunanet.hu Hungary
Council of Paks city Associated partner czinkdora@paks.hu Hungary
Backa Palanka Municipality Development Agency Associated partner vladimir.dragicevic@direkcijabp.rs Serbia
Touristm Organisation of Vojvodina Associated partner srdjan.bajic@vojvodinaonIine.com Serbia
Tourism Board of Smederevo Associated partner ivan.nislic@smederevo.com Serbia
Municipality of Golubac Associated partner projekti@golubac.org.rs Serbia
Municipality of Silistra Associated partner liliatraianova@abv.bg Bulgaria
Regional Administration Vidin Associated partner ou_oa@vidin.government.bg Bulgaria
Ruse Regional Administration Associated partner governor@ruse.bg Bulgaria
National Authority for Tourism Associated partner octavian.arsene@mturism.ro Romania
TERRITORIAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT CALAFAT MUNICIPALITY Associated partner dan.virtopeanu@yahoo.ro Romania
Travel Focus Association Associated partner contact@razvanpascu.ro Romania
Giurgiu Municipality Associated partner primarie@primariagiurgiu.ro Romania
Federal Chancellery of Austria, Dept. for Cultural Heritage and Art Restitution in the Division for Art and Culture Associated partner ruth.proeckl@bka.gv.at Austria
Municipality of Krems Associated partner doris.denk@krems.gv.at Austria

The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)