Newsletter Vol. 2

Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region



welcome to the ResInfra@DR project! Dear readers…


In the final newsletter in 2017 we bring your attention to the now open Call for Trainees, a separate Call for Trainers, both with a deadline for the submission of applications on Friday, 5th January 2018, 17:00 CET.
Furthermore, this volume looks back at recent activities of the ResInfra@DR project and provides news from the international research infrastructure community.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue!


ResInFra@DR - Call for Trainees: Enhance your capacity - evaluation, planning, monitoring, impact steered operation & management of Research Infrastructures


ResInfra@DR project is organising a training to build capacity for ex-ante evaluation of research infrastructures, planning of research infrastructures (RIs), monitoring of existing RIs and identification of expected impacts of RIs. The training is primarily aimed at RI programme owners and the funding authorities, RI managers and operators (hosts) as well as potential reviewers of RIs. The participation is restricted to citizens of the Danube macro-region countries.

Please see the Open Call for Participation in Training for more information...

Deadline for the submission of application is Friday, 5th January 2018, 17:00 CET. If you need further information, please contact Mr Marko Hajdinjak at



ResInfra@DR - Call for Trainers


ResInfra@DR project is currently also looking for experienced trainers (experienced science, technology and innovation policy-makers, successful RI managers, established RI reviewers, experts from projects related to RIs) to prepare and deliver a training session on one of the following topics:

  • Planning and establishing of RIs
  • Operating, managing and monitoring RIs
  • Results and impacts of RIs in practice
  • Long-term financial sustainability of RIs

Please consult the Terms of Reference for Trainers for more information...

Deadline for the submission of application is Friday, 5th January 2018, 17:00 CET. If you need further information, please contact Mr Marko Hajdinjak at



Review on activities of ResInfra@DR

  • ResInfra@DR Meeting in Prague in December - Start of Pilot activities:
    Read more…
  • ResInfra@DR Reflection Meeting held in Vienna in the end of November: Preparation of guidelines for research infrastructure planning, operational monitoring and the socio-economic impact: Read more...

Editor’s choice & Shortnews

  • Upcoming InRoad Workshop – The Role of Regional, National, Institutional & EU Funding in the Long-Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures: Hamburg, 1 – 2 March 2018 in Hamburg, Germany
    The complex interplay of regional, national, institutional and EU funding should not become an obstacle in the development of research infrastructures. With this in mind, the goal of this workshop is to bring together stakeholders from different research facilities and public funding organisations.
    Read more…
  • RItrain, the Research Infrastructure Training Programme, is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project aimed at improving and professionalizing the training of managerial and leadership staff in research infrastructures (RIs)
    Currently two staff exchange opportunities are open, please see here:
    1) Staff Exchange on project management: 25 – 26 April 2018, organised by ECRIN (deadline for applications: 28th February 2018)
    2) Operating and managing large sustainable on-site research infrastructures: 6 – 8 June 2018, organised by DESY (deadline for submission: 6th April 2018)
  • Four Golden Principles for Enhancing the Quality, Access and Impact of Research Infrastructures – LERU Publication
    Medium-sized research infrastructures (up to 10 M€ initial cost or 1-5 M€ annual cost) have a considerable, yet currently largely untapped potential to enhance scientific excellence and promote collaboration in modern research. The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) focuses on the role of large- scale research infrastructures, whereas little attention has been paid to the role of medium-sized research infrastructures (RIs) in Europe and how facility sharing, (transnational) access, international coordination and sustainability can be stimulated. 
    Read full paper here...
  • EC calls for endorsement of EOSC Declaration
    ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, has announced that the Commission has made the EOSC Declaration (European Open Science Declaration) available to all scientific stakeholders for them to provide their endorsement and commitments to the realisation of the EOSC by 2020. The Declaration emerged from the EOSC Summit of 12th June 2017 and is geared towards the implementation of the EOSC. 
    40 scientific stakeholders have already endorsed the principles of the Declaration. A list of first signatories has already signed up to play a role in the EOSC 'coalition of doers'. The Commission strongly encourages more people and organisations to 1) to endorse the principles of the Declaration, and 2) to commit to take some of the specific actions forward.
    Read more…


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We wish you a prosperous and happy new year and are looking forward to our work together in 2018!


Martin Felix Gajdusek (project coordinator, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna), Ines Marinkovic (Thematic Pole 2 coordinator and communication manager, ZSI) and Pamela Bartar (communication manager, ZSI) on behalf of the ResInfra@DR project partners



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)