DriDanube - NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, November 2018


DriDanube NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, November 2018

Dear readers,

Welcome to the third DriDanube newsletter!

In this issue you can read about:

  • the project's Drought 2018 Watch Campaign that tested the newly developed monitoring tool
  • the project’s regional and national trainings that project partners conduct to secure the project’s sustainability
  • the project’s role in the global Disaster Risk Reduction agenda
  • the events where DriDanube was presented and discussed

Drought 2018 Watch Campaign

Climate change is expected to increase frequency, duration and severity of droughts in the future and proactive approach to management of drought is much desired. Since its beginning, DriDanube team has been working on the tool Drought Watch (previous working name Drought User Service) that will enable more accurate and efficient drought monitoring and early warning for the entire Danube region. The prototype of the tool is now ready and DriDanube partners tested it by monitoring the drought situation during the summer 2018.


Drought 2018 Watch Campaign was symbolically launched on 2018 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought  and covered the period from the end of May until mid-September 2018.

Check our campaign section for the bi-weekly Regional drought bulletins we published together with the maps documenting the situation. 

How did the drought 2018 affect us? Check for the summary of the season here.



DriDanube project partners met on 10 - 12 October 2018 in Bucharest for the 4th project meeting. Apart from evaluating the developments in project implementation, the partners also carefully planned for the future actions involving extensive work with their stakeholders to secure sustainability of the project outcomes after the project end. To be able to efficiently work with the stakeholders and transfer the gained knowledge, a cascade of trainings on the usage of project tools has been taking place, starting with the regional trainings of trainers and following to national ones reaching the country-level stakeholders.



Learn more about participation of our project partners in the regional training on methodological aspects of drought impact and risk assessment that are currently being integrated into the newly developed Drought Watch. 

Read here about the National trainings on use of Drought Watch tool and impact & risk assessment methodologies.





Water related disasters account for almost 90% of the world’s top 1,000 disasters and they are not avoiding Europe at all. As a matter of fact, floods, storms, heat waves and droughts have become more frequent and intense in the most parts of Europe and are typically dealt with only once the damages are in place. This is however too late and not solving the problem itself. The paradigm of any disaster management needs to be changed from reactive to proactive mode, which is fully in line with DriDanube objectives. 


Read more about how DriDanube team participated in the consultations of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) and contributed to formulation of the Principles on Investment and Financing for Water related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).




Introduction of the project partners
In each issue of our Newsletter we would like to introduce you some of our project partners.
This time we are introducing:

National Meteorological Administration (NMA), Romania

NMA is the national authority in the meteorological field in Romania, with a continuous service since 1884. Romania is a founding member of the International Meteorological Organization and a member of the Convention setting up the World Meteorological Organization in 1947. The organization is dealing with activities of meteorology, fundamental research, systematic and complete weather monitoring, international data exchange and integration in the World Meteorological Monitoring.
NMA has a vast experience in extreme events monitoring and control at national level, with a history of 120 years of observations, forecasts and case studies. It is one of the three institutions operating the Technical Secretariat of the National Committee to Combat Drought, Land Degradation and Desertification and a member of the Committee’s Executive Bureau.
Within DriDanube project, NMA is responsible for implementing of the 1st pilot action and has an important role in testing of the Drought Watch.
More at http://www.meteoromania.ro/ 

Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology (IHMS), Montenegro

The basic role of IHMS is to monitor meteorological, hydrological, hydrographical and seismic phenomena, air and water quality by national observation networks, to produce analysis and forecasts, to apply knowledge of weather, climate events and their extremes, and adaptation to the climate change, to promote human safety and wellbeing, economic development and protection of environment.
IHMS’s activities are consisted of:

  • Short term weather and marine forecasts (3-7 days), numerical modelling (operatively in use Eta, NMM-HIRES and WRF models for weather forecasts)
  • Climate monitoring and assessment, climate change analysis, applied meteorological analysis including participation in MEDCOF (Mediterranean Climate Open Forum) and SECOF (South East Climate Open Forum) for winter and summer seasonal forecasts
  • Hydrological analysis and data processing on the rivers, lakes and ground water
  • Numerous physico-chemical, microbiological and saprobiological parameters
  • Air and precipitation sampling in 24 hours, monthly aero-sediment sampling
  • The seismic network consisting of 10 short-period stations and 4 broadband stations
  • Fulfilment of relevant international obligations.

IHMS has the mandate to issue general science-based warnings of hydrometeorological hazards through media, its internet pages and directly to the authorities. These warnings are based on 1-10-day weather forecasts, as well as on the data from the observational networks.
More at http://www.meteo.co.me/

Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ), Hungary

OMSZ is a specialized central institute in Hungarian Public Administration which is supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture. As a national meteorological service of Hungary, it is responsible for organizing official meteorological measurements, building a national meteorological database, supplying meteorological, atmospheric environmental and climate information, and provision of warnings about severe weather situations in Hungary. The information supply covers the past (trends, variability, analysis), the present (measured and observed weather and environmental data) and the future (forecasts on meteorological and climate time scales). The users of these services are covering all parts of society and economics. These services are based on extended national and international infrastructure, which incorporates the measurement and observation system covering the entire Hungarian territory, the continuous international data transfer in the framework of WMO together with intensive research-development and operational cooperation with different international organizations (e.g. ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EMEP etc.)
The main task of the climate unit of OMSZ is to provide climate monitoring of Hungary, to provide reliable climate assessment based on a gridded database which is quality controlled, and homogenized first by MASH and interpolated by MISH. These data management tools (MASH, MISH) were developed at OMSZ. The staff at the unit have a long track of experience in the implementation of research projects (for example DMCSEE, CARPATCLIM, DANUBECLIM), which lead to participation and work in DriDanube project. Within the project, the OMSZ is responsible for implementation of the Work Package 5, which focuses on Drought Risk Assessment in the Danube region.
More at https://www.met.hu/en/idojaras/

You can read more about our partners introduced in Newsletter #1 here and in Newsletter #2 here.




Since the last Newsletter issue we have presented the DriDanube project and its outcomes at numerous national and international events. Let us mention few of the most interesting ones:

  • 28 November 2018, Szolnok, Hungary - JoinTisza Stakeholders Workshop on Shared Vision Planning
  • 15-16 November 2018, Zagreb - Advanced technology for solving meteorological challenges, international conference
  • 17-19 October 2018, Belgrade - Climateurope Festival
  • 9 October 2018, Bucharest - High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)
  • 11 September 2018, Aspen, USA - When the Rain Stops: Drought on Subseasonal and Longer Timescales, international workshop at Aspen Global Change Institute
  • 3–7 September 2018, Budapest - EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018; Conference theme: Weather and climate: global change and local hazards
  • 5 June 2018, Austria - ForumAlpinum 2018 & the 7th Water Conference of the Alpine Convention

Check here for the calendar of events we are planning to organize or get involved in.




Find a free newsletter subscription at the bottom of the DriDanube home section




DriDanube Project Manager:                             
Andreja SUŠNIK
Phone: + 386 1 478 4073
E-mail: andreja.susnik@gov.si

DriDanube Communications Manager:
Jana PANGRACOVA                                                      
Phone: +421 905 518 348                                                
E-mail: jana.pangracova@gwpcee.org

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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)