



Dear Readers!


We are happy to present Vol. 10 of the ResInfra@DR newsletter which showcases once again our joint efforts to strengthen the framework conditions for research infrastructures in the Danube region. The project starts with its last pilot actions reaching out for the contribution from the Danube macro-region: The current newsletter provides you with news including a ResInfra@DR call for single experts or expert teams and the SAVE-THE-DATE for the ResInfra@DR final event in June 2019 and further updates on the European RI community.

Panta rhei –  we like to welcome our team member Ms Carmen Siller (ZSI) who will bring in her expertise as the new ResInfra@DR capitalisation manger and can be contacted in case of topic-related requests via email!

The ResInfra@DR project team


ResInfra@DR Call for single experts & expert teams to contribute to the creation & development of a Nuclear Medicine Center – deadline: 18/03/2019


In the framework of the project ResInfra@DR, the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) releases an open call for single experts or expert teams to participate in a pilot activity for the support in designing/developing of the Nuclear Medicine Center at the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering and the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics from Magurele, Romania.
The core element of this support action will consist of providing specific recommendations by an expert team that will work together with the ResInfra@DR partnership. The recommendations will focus on the steps or activities that will contribute to the creation and development of the Nuclear Medicine Center.

For further details and the call to download please access the ResInfra@DR website…


ResInfra@DR Pilot Actions – Life science/medical infrastructure experts or teams to contribute to a pilot action – deadline: 15/03/2019


The ResInfra@DR project is currently running several pilot actions with the aim to support research infrastructures in the Danube region. We are currently looking for experts with experience in the review of life science related infrastructures with a focus on medical research facilities.
If you are interested, please contact or for further details untill 15/03/2019, 17.00 CET. The ToR will be sent to the interested experts.


SAVE-THE-DATE: ResInfra@DR Final Event in Vienna: 12-13/06/2019


The meeting “Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region” will invite international RI experts and showcase results of the ResInfra@DR project.

The event will provide a platform for mutual exchange with important RI stakeholders in the Danube macro-region. Reflecting on the project achievements will be a vital starting point for a regional action plan. In doing so, the event includes interactive exchange sessions which allow to receive first hand information from other stakeholders in the region. Take the chance to meet the ResInfraDR community built during the project duration to develop a future-orientated perspective for the region!

Further details on the event including the participation options will be available in our next newsletter.






CERIC-ERIC call for proposals: apply for mobility support & open access publications – deadline: 01/04/2019

CERIC-ERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, offers access to more than 50 complementary instruments and two support laboratories, for multidisciplinary research in all fields of materials science and nanotechnology. Researchers from all over the world can apply for access free of charge, upon the condition that results are published and CERIC acknowledged. In addition to the access to the instruments and labs, CERIC offers support for mobility and open access publications, and more.The next deadline is April 1st, 2019 - 17hs CET – submissions are recommended only for expert users of all the techniques requested. If you are a researcher working in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia or Ukraine, apply for promotional open access: in the frame of the European H2020 project ACCELERATE, personalized support for proposal preparation, measurements and data analysis can be provided upon request.

Further information about the call is available online…


InRoad project successfully completed its activities

InRoad, a two year Horizon 2020 project aimed to foster a higher degree of coordination of priority setting, evaluation and funding mechanisms as well as sustainable planning for Research Infrastructures (RI) in Europe, was coming to an end in December 2018. A final newsletter gives a comprehensive overview on project’s achievments – also including a review on ResInfra@DR. Our project wants to thank the InRoad team for its good cooperation on communication and dissemination during project duration!

Download the final InRoad newsletter here…


Call to take part in the second round of RI-PATHS workshops

As a follow-up to the scoping workshops held in November-December 2018, RI-PATHS project team invites the RI community to express interest in joining the second round of participatory workshops on socio-economic impact assessment. Different from the first round of workshops where the emphasis was placed on identifying the main impact areas and co-designing the impact pathway logic, these workshops will focus on finding suitable indicators, metrics and assessment methods in specific impact areas. Emphasis will be placed also on discussing the existing best practices for data gathering and future data needs.

Workshops will be held on 08/05 at DESY (Hamburg), 09/05 at ELIXIR (Cambridge) and 10/05/2019 at ALBA (Barcelona).

Register and read further descriptions of the workhops here...


OCRE enables easy cloud usage through the European Open Science Cloud

The Open Clouds for Research Environments project (OCRE), aims to accelerate cloud adoption in the European research community, by bringing together cloud providers, Earth Observation (EO) organisations and the research and education community, through ready-to-use service agreements and €9.5 million in adoption funding. Cloud-based services offer the European research community a wealth of powerful tools, but for many researchers, these are currently out of reach, with suitable services difficult to find and select.
OCRE, which launched in January 2019, will address this by running a pan-European tender and establishing framework agreements with cloud service providers that meet the specific requirements of the research community, saving institutions the time-consuming and complex process of doing this themselves.

For further information please check the website here…


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)