ENERGY BARGE - Newsletter #23




Source: Hafen Straubing-Sand


Welcome to the 23rd newsletter of the ENERGY BARGE project!


In this issue, we take a look back on the fifth and final ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting that was conducted in the SENNEBOGEN Academy in the Port of Straubing. International participants from the Danube logistics and cargo owner sectors met to inform themselves about the latest trends in growing markets such as biobased cargo and to discuss business opportunities in 15-minute speed datings.


Furthermore, we would like to kindly invite you you to attend the final ENERGY BARGE conference on 23 May 2019 in Budapest. External participants are highly welcome to discuss development plans and investments needs to strengthen Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector.


Please click here to download the newsletter.


We hope you enjoy reading!


The team of ENERGY BARGE







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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)