






Our project mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure and innovation in the Danube region. Therefore, ResInfra@DR facilitates enhanced transnational cooperation and a macro-regional scope of the sustainable development of research infrastructures.





2 more months to go for the ResInfra@DR project! With its 11th newsletter the project partners want to inform you about project’s pilot actions and news from the wider RI community in the Danube macro-region and beyond.

Take your chance to meet RI experts from the Danube Region at the ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange meeting in Bratislava on 22-23 May 2019. The event will put a focus on current and future research infrastructure support activities in the Danube macro-region and will present more than 10 ResInfra@DR pilot activities. Moreover, we invite you to the ResInfra@DR Information Day in Sarajevo on 14 May and to our final ResInfra@DR event in Vienna on 12-13 June (the save-the-date can be accessed online…). Find further details  in the current newsletter!

The ResInfra@DR project team


Know-how exchange forum in Bratislava on 22-23 May 2019


One key objective of ResInfra@DR is to contribute to the efforts for establishing new RIs and upgrading the existing ones by strengthening both policy-making and managerial capacities in the Danube macro-region.

Throughout the last year the ResInfra@DR project has offered support to interested research infrastructures in Danube region concerned with management challenges during their regular operations or specific phases of their establishment. The ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum provides an excellent venue for stakeholders (including final recipients of support such as involved research entities and infrastructures) to reflect on the current challenges of the initiatives and the proposed recommendations. In addition, a reflection of the process itself should reveal the potential of similar mutual support actions in the Danube macro-region, and how far similar actions should be included in a joint action plan. In order to provide ground for reflection, the organisers have invited currently developing RIs and already successful initiatives to allow a wider sharing of experiences.

Agenda & registration
The event is open to RI experts and stakeholders from media. In case of interest, please contact Ms Anna Krivjanska, (CVTI SR) to gain further details and the agenda:

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Next Information Session on Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region in Sarajevo


The ResInfra@DR project recently started the event series “ResInfra@DR Information Sessions on Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region” adressed to RI policymakers, RI managers and further experts from associated fields: the aim of these workshops is to present the project results and to identify future joint actions for stronger cooperation in the area of RI as well as to involve relevant regional/national stakeholders to contribute and collaborate and make use of the results in the future. Meetings were organised during April in Ukraine, Moldova and Montenegro.
Events reflect on current challenges and RI developments in the respective countries and reflect how to address the topic of RI in the Danube macro-region in future. Workshops involve relevant regional/national stakeholders and facilitate the use of results in future.

Get in involved on 14 May 2019 at the University of Sarajevo
If your are interested in this event series please contact Ms Carmen Siller, (ZSI) to gain further details and the agenda (the confirmed registration is mandatory for your participation):

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The ResInfra@DR project is currently running several pilot actions with the aim to support research infrastructures in the Danube region. We are currently looking for two experts with experience in the field of research infrastructures to prepare instruments for the collection of data and a set of policy recommendations for the preparation of the Roadmap of Research Infrastructures in the Republic of Srpska.

If you are interested, please contact for further details: The ToR will be sent to the interested experts upon an official request!

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  • Project Presentation at the International Conference “Danube: Innovation in flow"
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  • ResInfra@DRP Pilot Peer Learning Visit in Varna in March
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  • ResInfra@DR Information Sessions on Research Infrastructures took place in Kiev, Chișinău and Podgorica!
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III RICH Symposium on European Research Infrastructures in Brussels on 14 May

The symposium will comprise an infoday-style presentation of the Horizon 2020 calls for the 2020 deadlines, followed by three Plenary Sessions on (1) Starting Communities and pan-EU Research Infrastructures; (2) How ongoing projects pave the way to Horizon Europe; and (3) Strategic planning of the Research Infrastructures landscape towards Horizon Europe. The symposium aims at analysing the new perspectives for European Research Infrastructures in Horizon Europe.

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EOSC community event on 20 June in Tallinn, Estonia – Building Open Science!

eInfraCentral as one contributing project to European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) invites researchers from public and private sectors, e-infrastructure service providers, research infrastructures and policy-makers to the EOSC community event to take a forward-looking view and discuss the road ahead for the EOSC community in Europe and in the EU Member States. The programme was developed by eInfraCentral in consultation with other EOSC-related projects such as EOSC-hub and 
Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, eInfraCentral is one of the key building blocks in the implementation of the EOSC Portal. Since January 2017, EFIS Centre, JNP, University of Athens, Leibniz University Hannover and five major European e-infrastructures EGIEUDATGÉANTOpenAIRE, and PRACE has worked together in developing a service catalogue for European e-infrastructures and e-services. The mission behind this work is to ensure that by 2020 a broader and more varied set of users (including industry) discovers and accesses the existing and developing e-infrastructure capacity.

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Final workshop invited by RItrain project: Building leadership in European Research infrastructures in Brussels on 20-21/11/2019

Successful research infrastructures are built and run with managers not only skilled in general leadership but also with knowledge and experience of the unique setting of a research infrastructure. This meeting will bring together the RI community to share examples and successful outcomes of training programmes specific to RI leaders, and to define the future training landscape in RI management. There will also be an interactive workshop and a dedicated RI management training session.

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New catalogue of research infrastructure services published by CatRIS project

CatRIS (Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services), is a new project funded by the Horizon 2020, coordinated by the European Science Foundation, ESF. CatRIs will build an online catalogue of European research infrastructure services, with particular emphasis on physical infrastructures. This novel information gateway will help improve the visibility of services, enhance RI usage and impact, and foster European and international collaborations. The success of CatRIS hinges on its integration in the European RI landscape and its active engagement of the RI community, including RI managers, users from academia and industry, policy-makers, and funders.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)