After more than two years the GREEN DANUBE consortium enters the last mile of the project, closing at the end of June 2019. 16 partners from seven countries out of the Danube Region were continuously working on in the common goal of limiting the negative impact of immission on the Danube ecosystem. The consortium is pleased about the project´s tangible results and thankful to all contributors on the way forward, which we took together for a GREEN DANUBE.
https://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/green-danube |
Final Conference and launch of Project Video
GREEN DANUBE´s final conference took place in the beautiful Danube Delta with almost 70 participants from several Danube countries, including internal and external stakeholders. During the first conference day the project partners presented the results and activities done in the project towards all participants: communication activities, air emissions assessment, greening technologies, EU policy support and raising public awareness. We were also happy to receive a kind message by our project officer from the Programme's Joint Secretariat, thanking all those involved for their good work. Read more
In an interactive presentation the audience was asked to describe the project within one word, with the following results:
On the second day a field trip to the selected area within the Danube Delta, location for the project´s air pollutant emissions measurements, was organised by the host.
Furthermore, the project video was launched during the event, summarising and explaining the works done in the project in an efficient, understandable and approachable way:
International Workshop for validation of GREEN DANUBE Policy Agenda
On 28th of March the GREEN DANUBE project organised an International Workshop for Policy Agenda validation, which took place in Budapest together with project partners and external stakeholders from several Danube countries.
During the day project findings were presented and all participants prioritized together the already identified actions as well as added some more important actions to the list of needed measures. Finally, the workshop had an interactive part based on round table discussions (“world café” method) that actively involved all participants and whose results were included in the latest version of the Policy Agenda. Read more
Raising public awareness within several organised workshops, events and the newly established IWT Environmental Information Centres (EIC)
Within the last two and a half years several activities have been carried out to raise the public awareness of environmental protection in the Danube region. Within the project seven national workshops on each of the two topics “greening strategy” and “policy agenda validation” have been organised in the project participant countries.
Moreover, the set up of EICs in four countries (fixed ones in Romania, Croatia and Serbia and a mobile facility in Hungary serving also Germany, Austria and Bulgaria) brought the possibility to learn something on environmental protection and inland navigation as a transport system to more than 300 students all over the Danube Region.
Last steps and upcoming actions
GREEN DANUBE´s last project outputs are being finalised and will be published in the upcoming weeks on the project homepage Library´s section (http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/green-danube), including all the information gathered through desk research, but also during our several workshops held in the past. Therefore, we are proud to announce the upcoming Outputs “Policy Agenda in support of European legislation” and GREEN DANUBE´s “Strategy for greening the Danube Inland Waterway Transport”.
Considering the findings and achievements of the project, especially the air quality measurement results performed in seven points within four selected critical environmental Danube areas (NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, CO, PM 2.5, PM 10), can be used for further conclusions, research activities and projects will be established in the future with the gathered information of the GREEN DANUBE project.
The entire GREEN DANUBE team would like to thank all stakeholders for their contribution and wish you all an enjoyable and sunny summer!
GREEN DANUBE Project Manager
Mobile: 0040744133979
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