


The Kick-off event of the project EDU-LAB has taken place on 14th of March at the Neues Schloss in Stuttgart. The legal representatives of more than 20 project partners from 10 countries have signed the document „Our commitment to develop chances for young people" symbolizing their long-term commitment to improve professional chances of young people in the Danube region by linking education to employment in a sustainable way.   

On behalf of the European Foundation, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster expressed his gratitude towards the Joint Secretariat of the Danube Transnational Programme and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Wurttemberg for supporting EFE during the long application phase. He also thanked the State Ministry Baden-Wurttemberg, the Ministry of Justice and European Affairs and the Ministries involved in the respective Priority Areas of the Danube Strategy: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg and the Danube Strategy for labelling EDU-LAB a Strategic Project in Priority Area 9 “People & Skills”. Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude towards the Kolping-Bildungswerk Württemberg for its continuous support and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The event was followed by a reception hosted by Guido Wolf, Minister of Justice and European Affairs. 

"It was indeed our pleasure to be part of the launch of an excellent INTERREG project involving 15 countries and more than twenty project partners tackling the key area in raising the competitiveness on EU macro regional level. Looking forward to the next two and half years of the implementation of the Project New Danubian Governance in Labour Market Relevance of Higher Education, we do wish you every success and pledge for further collaboration." Dragica Karajic, PAC8 Coordinator of EUSDR.

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The 1st Steering Committee Meeting of the EDU-LAB Project has taken place on the 14th of March 2017 at the Landesmuseum Württemberg in Stuttgart.


The Committee Member identified existing synergies, defined issues to address and shared their motivation to participate in the project.

"We must look at the local circumstances, to see the local priorities. Have a look at the experiences, the existing models. To see what is there and how can it be improved. “How can we make it better?” Prof. Schuster, European Foundation for Education




The first steps towards the implementation of the project were taken during the first partner meeting taking place on the 15th and 16th of March at the premises of the Lead Partner, the European Foundation for Education in Stuttgart.




We support the creation of a new culture of

  1. Cooperation between higher education institutions, business organizations and public authorities
  2. Social responsibility for young people
  3. Joint participation in the development of study programs by universities and by companies
  4. Study programs combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills
  5. Participation of students in interactive e-learning and work   environment
  6. Innovation of study curricula taking into account the needs of society and economy
  7. Applied science and research at universities in cooperation with companies
  8. Sharing experiences between higher education institutions, business organizations and public authorities
  9. Governance based on mutual understanding and trust for sustainable cooperation in the fields of education, business and politics
  10. Perspectives and motivation for young people to develop their talents and skills to pursue professional chances in the Danube region strengthening the regional economic development

We declare hereby our commitment to develop – in the spirit of this new culture – a long-lasting
cooperation to link education to employment in a sustainable way. This new governance
model will manifest itself through the „Danubian Charter for Young Talents “.


EFE - European Foundation for Education e.V.
Theodor-Heuss-Str. 34 | 70174 Stuttgart
Telefon +49.(0)711.21743924
Mobile +49.(0)1736822154
Telefax +49.(0)711.21743939
Dr. des. Ágnes Sebestyén, Project Director



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)