
Danurb closing conference


The Closing Conference and DANUrB Final Partners Meeting took place at the end of June, 2019, involving also Danube Day Events, in twin cities of ASP Partners Komárno (SK) - Komárom (HU) and Štúrovo (SK) - Esztergom (HU).  These events were full of sharing our expriences - looking back behind the work that had been done, but also looking forward, to what is there in the future - linking the Closing Conference with the Danube Days events which tradition was established as one of the results of the DANUrB project.

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danube days 2019


The Danube Days were organized again this year between June 28th and July 1st in Štúrovo, Esztergom, and in Ráckeve, Szigetbecse and Szigetújfalu on the Csepel Island, south of Budapest. The festival was jointly initiated by local municipalities and organisations and the DANUrBproject partners KÉK, STU, BME and Pest County Municipality. It was part of the international Danube Day (June 29th) which celebrates the Danube River, its tributaries, and the vital role these water bodies play in providing water, food, hydropower, recreation and livelihood. In the settlements mentioned above, the aim of the Danube Days festival was to highlight the benefits of riverside living and to encourage local communities to actively use riverbanks as public spaces.

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danurb results and main output documents


June 2019 was the final month of the implementation of our Interreg DTP project called DANUrB - Danube Urban Brand; 20 partners from 7 countries worked for the past 30 months to fulfill a simple, yet not that obvious vision: to convey to the people living and working along the river the message that the Danube is not a chain of 8 countries, but one region, a region that shares a common culture, history,
gastronomy and heritage. In order to achieve our mission we connected various organisations and institutions with each other to create a living network and raise awareness among decision-makers that this region has strong values if its people cooperate. We have created a network based on collaboration of the locals and their common heritage, a network which fosters tourism development, economy, education and enriches the cultural life. 




One of the main outputs of the DANUrB project represent the publication titled - Book on the Unexplored Cultural Heritage in Communities by the Danube. It deals with the Danube Landscape,
a new term used by the DANUrB project  to speak about the relationship between the built and natural environment along the Danube, to define its unit as a landscape to analyze, understand and develop. It has evolved to be understood as an umbrella term which includes various natural and cultural landscapes, different research, education and activities carried out on a local level as well as a common and continuous territory for possible Danube Urban Brand policies. This Danube Landscape connects life along the space and time, along and across the river.

We collected more than 500 heritage assets related to the Danube and more than 300 stakeholders capable to work with the Danube in our DANUrB platform. Our goal was to create a network where all of our interested stakeholders can continue to cooperate, creating projects that valorize local heritage assets helped by transnational thematization. This online platform is unique in the sense that information on different stakeholders, and tangible and intangible heritage in the region has never been inventoried and mapped in an accessible network like this. 

The most important document on the Platform is the DANUrB Strategy itself. We used the creativity and knowledge of the universities and experts, the experience from the field-works of DANUrB and the lessons gained during the many workshops our partnership have conducted, resulting in the integration of local stakeholders’ visions and needs. 

  • DANUrB Strategy 
    Annex 1- DANUrB Pilot Activity Portfolio 
    Annex 2 – Selected cultural heritage for valorisation 
    Strategic document 01 – Development of tourism at Szigetzug micro-region 
    Strategic document 02 – Development of tourism at the Danube Bend micro-region
    Strategic document 03 – Golubac & The Iron Gates – Plans at the municipal/intermunicipal level for the spatial organization of cultural heritage
    Strategic document 04 – Smederevo – Integrative strategic planning and design for the strengthening of identity and cultural tourism in the Danube cities 
    Strategic document 05 – Spatial planning strategy for heritage development at intermunicipal level: Giurgiu – Ruse 
    Strategic document 06 – CHANCES, development paths for the Wachau region 
    Booklets – DANUrB methodology booklets 

Urban walks are an interesting mixture or culture and tourism. We created 12 PocketGuide tours along the Danube, in places where the local heritage was not connected in this way before. All the routes are based on our research and contribute to local tourism because they are integrated into a popular international platform accessible in English, so the interesting stories and sites won’t be hidden anymore.
Locations with DANUrB edition PocketGuide tours are: Melk-Krems, Devín-Bratislava, Komárom-Komárno, Esztergom-Štúrovo, Ráckeve, Baja, Dunaújváros, Bačka Palanka-Ilok, Vidin-Calafat, Ruse-Giurgiu, the Iron Gate (Golubac-Turnu Severin) and Tulcea. More info and the tours can be found in the PocketGuide Application free of charge.

In order to go even further in raising attention to the Danube region we created a fictional travel agency. Our mission was to bring the individual countries of the region together to offer touristic destinations on a common denominator - the river. Regarding this see: https://danurbtours.eu


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future of the DANUrb project


Closing the DANUrB Project is a bittersweet moment - looking back on how our vision and ideas took off and made a difference fills us with pride; looking forward we realize how much work there is to be done to turn the Danube into ONE region in all aspects. Our results are meant to be tools for local enterprises, cultural institutions and other stakeholders to make the Danube a real Brand, synonym with good life, authentic culture and attractive places to live in and visit. We are committed to continue the work invested in DANUrB through various spin-off projects, so stand by for more ideas, initiatives and achievements this partnership will bring to the Danube Region in the years to come!


For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA)


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)