Newsletter April 2017 / Edition no. 1


DANTE - Improving Administrative Procedures and Processes for Danube IWT


As of 1 January 2017, a transnational consortium of 16 co-funded organisations and 12 associated strategic partners (public authorities, consulting companies, universities and NGOs) from 10 European countries has started the implementation the DANTE project. DANTE aims at identifying and eliminating administrative barriers for inland waterway transport (IWT) on the Danube and its navigable tributaries as a joint initiative of the private sector and the national public authorities responsible for these barriers. This shall lead into a better governance & management of this environmentally-friendly European core transport infrastructure and reduce the logistics costs of major industries depending on waterway transportation for their global competitiveness.


Thirty months of pioneering work are lying ahead of the DANTE consortium (January 2017-June 2019) under the coordination of Pro Danube International as lead partner. The total budget of the project is 1.982.786 Euro, out of which the ERDF contribution amounts to 1.650.134,75 Euro & the IPA contribution amounts to 35.233,35 Euro. 


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Successful project launch at the danube commission headquarters in budapest


On 17 February 2017, the DANTE project aiming to improve administrative procedures and processes for Danube IWT was officially kicked off at the Danube Commission headquarters in Budapest. The event brought together representatives from the European Commission (Ms Desireé Oen, Policy Advisor to Rhine-Danube Coordinator, DG MOVE/B1) and from the Danube Commission (Mr Petar Margic, General Director) as well as more than 60 experts and stakeholders with a dedicated interest in the Danube navigation.

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Official kick-off meeting of work packages dealing with administrative barriers identification and analysis of procedures


In line with the project’s work plan a kick-off meeting was held in Vienna on 28 March 2017 where DANTE partners started to work on the two key project activities: Identification of existing administrative barriers – the current problems, challenges and needs (Work package 3) and Analysis of procedures, laws, processes and regulations (Work package 4).

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Dante project promotion and dissemination at international events


Due to the fact that the results and outputs of the DANTE project are highly awaited by the public and private stakeholders, the project – already at its early stage – has been invited to several conferences, meetings and workshops to be presented.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)