


The New year is starting with the brand new #SavaTIES newsletter! Find out what is going on in the Sava River basin. Did you know that invasive alien species (IAS) are the main challenge of biodiversity conservation in the 21st century? They are also our main project challenge!


As part of the project, different methods of effective removal or eradication of IAS plants, which are already causing serious damage in the Sava River basin, will be tested. This will be the first ever attempt to tackle this demanding issue on a transnational corridor level in the region, with lessons learned bringing benefits to the wider Danube region and beyond.


Demanding challenges are in front of us, and we hope you will be part of a solution!



Study visit


Members of the SavaParks Network visited two national parks in Hungary - Kiskunság and Körös-Maros, whose managers have years of experience in combating invasive alien plants. They had the opportunity to hear how their Hungarian counterparts confront the issue of invasiveness and to see the treated areas and the different methods they apply - from chemical to mechanical.


Click here for more information or visit the gallery





Project partners organized meetings with the key stakeholders to improve and/or initiate cooperation and exchange experiences in the management of protected areas and the challenge of invasive alien plant removal.


For more information about the meetings click here: Green Ring, Lonjsko polje Nature Park, Una National Park, Zasavica.




Members of Sava Parks Network, local stakeholders and representatives of project partners had a chance to exchange experiences on fight against aggressive introduced plants they are dealing with in the Sava River basin during the two Regional Workshops organized in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sharing practical knowledge between the participants is crucial for the project success.


If you are wondering what we discussed at the workshops you can find more info for the 1st Regional Workshop here, and if you are interested in the content of the 2nd Workshop you can click here.





Sava river day


The Sava River Day is celebrated on 1 June in four countries of the Sava River basin - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The aim of this celebration is to promote the exceptional ecological values and economic potentials in the Sava River basin, sustainable use and development of economic activities, and the importance of good regional cooperation that contributes to a better status of water and water ecosystems and thus the higher quality of life of the population in the Sava River basin.


More information.


Project Promotion




The Sava TIES project was presented at several external and awareness raising events. Through these events, the word about our project was spread far away among the key stakeholders.


All project partners organized events for the local population, to raise awareness on the alarming situation of invasive alien species surrounding them in their environment. Find more information about the events organized in: 

Follow our news section and Sava TIES Facebook and Instagram profile to receive all the news about such events on time. 






Considering the fact that invasive alien species (IAS)  are among the two biggest global threats to biodiversity, posing a huge ecological, economical and health threat, a special attention within #Sava TIES project is being paid to the management options of the most invasive plants in Sava River basin. 


Effectiveness and costs of different methods in IAS eradication are to be tested on the most invasive vascular plants in the region. Project consortium has defined 7 pilot areas in 4 countries to be test-plots for the eradication.


Click here to read more about the pilot activities.




The invasive alien plant battle in the Sava River basin was kicked-off at the event held in Novi Sad, Serbia from 1 to 4 October 2018. The goal of the Sava TIES project is to find an effective solution for permanent eradication of invasive alien species, which represent not only an environmental problem, but have a negative impact on health and economy.



For more information follow this link.




You can find more information on project website, and you can follow us on Facebook or InstagramSubscribe to the Sava TIES newsletter to receive the latest news!


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)