Two Danube Transnational Programme projects, the SABRINA and Danube Cycle Plans project, dealing with cycling, have joined forces and prepared a series of interviews with people working in the mobility and transport field, with a focus on cycling. We have asked them about their opinion on different topics connected to more cycling, safer cycling infrastructure, promotion of cycling, etc. All the interviews are collected in this joint newsletter. Enjoy the reading!
A few words about both projects:
- SABRINA project focuses on road infrastructure safety for cyclists as one of the most vulnerable road users. It tackles cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors crossing nine countries in the Danube region. The main goal is to help decision-makers plan, design and implement safe and sustainable solutions for improved cycling infrastructure in the region. More at the project's webpage, Twitter or Facebook account.
- Danube Cycle Plans project aims to implement Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion. Project activities include the development of National Cycling Plans based on a common transnational Danube Cycling Strategy, defining a Danube cycle route network, infrastructure standards and adequate financial support and increasing the awareness of relevant stakeholders for the needs of cyclists. More at the project's webpage.
Jill Warren is the CEO of the European Cyclists' Federation, a Brussels-based non-governmental organization that promotes cycling as a sus-tainable and healthy means of transport and leisure. She is an avid everyday and recreational cyclist who loves to explore the world on cycling holidays and associates a bicycle with joy. With Jill, we have talked about her passion for cycling, EuroVelo routes, cycling tourism, investments in cycling and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
Matthew Baldwin is a deputy Director-General in European Commission's Mobility and Transport Directorate-General since July 2016. In October 2018, he was appointed as European Coordi-nator for Road Safety and related aspects of Sustainable Mobility. He is often on his bicycle going to work or enjoying his free time. When we said bicycle, he thought of happiness, freedom and the wind flying through his hair. With Matthew, we have talked about the new Decade of Action for Road Safety, trains and bicycles, sustainable mobility and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
Maria Jose Rojo is a Project Manager - Coordinator for Active Travel and Health at POLIS, the leading network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. For her, a bicycle grasps perfectly the 'essence' of mobility as the most efficient mode of transport; and it is an essential tool in the transition towards climate-resilient cities. With Maria Jose, we have talked about 'ideal cities', the connection between active travel and health, the importance of cycling infrastructure and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
Thiago Herick de Sa is a Technical Officer in the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at the World Health Organization, Headquarters. He works with issues related to healthy urban environments and sustainable transport, with a focus on the health and economic impacts of sectoral policies and interventions. He uses his bicycle for commuting and in his free time and thinks of it as a good old friend. With Thiago, we have talked about the ways of commuting in the period of COVID-19, the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion, investments in cycling and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
Monika Sattler is a diversity consultant, cycling record holder, TEDx speaker, women in cycling ambassador and author. She helps leaders, teams and organizations to enhance diversity in terms of recruitments, sales, communications and corporate culture. Her first association to the word bicycle is freedom. With Monika, we have talked about her love for cycling, how she uses cycling to motivate people to follow their dreams, her experience with cycling infrastructure around the world and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
Gregor Steklačič joined the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia in 2016. He works as Undersecretary in the Sustainable Mobility and Transport Policy Directorate and was appointed as national cycling coordinator in 2019. He is an avid everyday and recreational cyclist who did more kilometers with his bike than his car in the past two years. When we said bicycle, he thought of smiling and happiness. With Gregor, we have talked about his passion for cycling, how to improve the safety of cyclists, why international cooperation is crucial for improving the position of cycling as a mode of transport all over Europe and much more. The whole interview is available HERE.
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