InnoSchool - InnoSchool goes on!


InnoSchool Closing Conference


On the 10th of February 2022, the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, with the support of all the InnoSchool project partners, organized and hosted the InnoSchool Closing Conference. During this online event more than 200 teachers, students, secondary school representatives, policy body representatives, non-governmental organization representatives and other interested parties participated in the conference to learn more about the InnoSchool Learning System, the Serious Game X and the future of InnoSchool.



The project was introduced shortly and Simona Starinska, from the Technical University of Kosice, presented the InnoSchool Serious Game X version, followed by Hegedűs István for the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. How presented the next steps in the sustainability of the project. Also, the participants got to see for the first time the InnoSchool video, a story of a social entrepreneur.



In the second part of the conference a moderated panel discussion was held on the topic” InnoSchool and the next steps in social entrepreneurship”. We were joined in the panel by Prof. Dr. Adrian Hatos - Senator in the Romanian Parliament, Chairman of the Science, Innovation and Technology Commission, member of the Education, Youth and Sports Commission of the Romanian Parliament; Arnold Gutmayer, representative of Vienna Board of Education, Vojtech Jira from DEX Innovation Cetre and Daniela Dirzu on behalf of FACLIA organization.


InnoSchool in the next years



Our project might be coming to an end, but the InnoSchool Learning System is here to stay and available for FREE to implement in your school.


All you have to do is go to, read more information about the project and then click “How to join”.



InnoSchool video – The story of a social entrepreneur



This is George's story! We decided not to show you statistics and general information about social entrepreneurship, but instead tell you a real story about the path and struggles of a social entrepreneur. We hope that his story inspires, motivates, and empowers you to be the change you want to see in your community!


View the video here!



Final words from our project Leader


On 10th February 2022, we celebrated our InnoSchool project!  We organized jointly a closing event of the InnoSchool project – its development phase but not the end of InnoSchool! We wish InnoSchool Learning System sustains and goes on. There is one quote saying: „If you want to make the world a better place, you need to focus and start with your children. “Thanks to InnoSchool, our children can learn more about the social challenges in their country and face them. Find some good way out. In InnoSchool, we are trying to encourage young people that they have a power to change and heal the world, heal anything.

That is why 11 European organizations, from 9 European countries came together more than 3,5 years ago to implement the project which will not just deliver the valuable tool for teachers how to increase competencies for business skills and social Innovation but that will be also a GREAT FUN in the end. Please allow me to thank all the project partners, their developers and experts, all associated project partners of the InnoSchool project for their amazing job. Of course, without funding received from DTP InnoSchool, it would not be possible either. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the brave teachers, students, headmasters and other great people who contributed and believed in our InnoSchool idea from the very beginning, or they joined us later along the path. It wouldn´t happen without you. Thank you very much!


Lucie Noswitz

DEX Innovation Centre


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)