RI2integrate - ELI-NP at EXPO Astana 2017


From June 10th to September 10th 2017, Romania participated at the International World Fair Astana, in Kazahstan. The core of the Romanian pavilion was represented by the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), that is rated among the top five most interesting exhibits at EXPO Astana 2017.
The ELI-NP pan-European project is implemented by the RI2Integrate Romanian partner „Horia Hulubei” National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering .
On the occasion of the official ceremony of Romania’s National Day at Astana, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affaires stated that:
“The Extreme Light Infrastructure (Nuclear Physics) project at Magurele will be the most advanced research facility in the world focused on the study of photonuclear physics and its applications. This unique experimental combination of ELI-NP will allow the undertaking of a broad range of research topics in fundamental physics, nuclear and astrophysical physics and applied research to materials’ science, nuclear material management and life sciences. I am confident that the ‘Future Energy’ Astana EXPO 2017 will be the starting point for a new level of quality within the framework of our global economic cooperation in terms of diversifying and bringing together a larger variety of economic actors, including small and medium-sized enterprises”.

For more information, please visit:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)