eGUTS - Project - event on Clean, Shared and Intelligent Mobility


eGUTS project is joining the European Campaign for Sustainable Urban Mobility inside the European Mobility Week.

Thus, organised by the Slovakian partners from eGUTS project consortium, the event entitled “Car Free Day” in the beautiful Senec  Municipality, contributing  to limit the use of passenger cars, promote the benefits of more environmentally friendly modes of transport and to draw attention to the negative effects of car traffic on the environment and the resulting harmful effects on human health.

The event is in line with the theme of this year "Clean, Shared and Intelligent Mobility", the initiative inviting people to choose a greener way of transport ( bicycle, city bus (MAD), scooter, roller skates, walking, etc.)

Click here and see more details....

In addition, starting at 14.00 on Lichnerova Street, people are invited to learn interesting information about e-mobility, to test various ecological electric vehicles (such as e-pedelecs, e- bikes, e- scooters, etc.) and charging stations suitable not only for companies but also for households. A project of EDISON electric vehicle developed by a team of professors, students and doctoral students from Žilinská University will participate too.

So, if you are interested, join to learn more!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)