Learning by Doing - Good practices observed during Study Visit in Czech Republic, organized by Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce


Depending on the experience in dual learning / workplace learning in partner countries in the "Learning by Doing" project, the Czech Republic is one of the countries where the dual system has not yet been adopted.

The visit included traditional sessions on the presentation of the national VET system and aspects related to the concept of workplace learning, as well as visits to technical schools in the area and companies.

The main points and conclusions are:

  • The VET system is well represented at national level, ¾ of graduates coming from secondary schools with technical and vocational profiles

  • Practical training of students can take place in or outside the school's workshops / laboratories, in practice training centers, training companies or placements in various jobs

  • The curriculum is national, but schools have the freedom to develop on their own curriculum with a degree of flexibility of 15-20%

  • Technical schools have strong partnerships with companies, they are involved in the provision of teaching equipment and materials, sponsorship of competitions, support for scholarship students, on established criteria (generally, notes and behavior), hiring graduates; companies also offer summer jobs to the students with the right to work, the young people having the advantage that they are paid for the work done, but at the same time they know the company

  • Technical schools have exceptional facilities and specialized didactic and industrial equipment, so they are used both for educational purposes and for small order-based production

The presentation about VET system in Czech Republic can be access here:



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)