MOVECO - In search of inspiring best practice examples of Circular Economy


MOVECO’s new brochure » Your trash is my treasure « is going to be launched in 2018 and will display best practice solutions for the circular economy in the Danube region. Each country of the MOVECO partnership has chosen one inspiring circular product or business model that could set an example for others. Thus, we show examples from Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.

Update (December 2017): The brochure is available here. 

Nevertheless, there are so many more inspiring best practice examples for the circular economy out there. MOVECO’s mission is to identify good examples for circular economy approaches in the Danube region and present them on our website. The section best practice will be continuously updated with an ever-growing number of innovative circular business models and products.

Therefore, we need your help! Do you know about a circular business models? Are you having a friend that invented an innovative circular product or service, the world needs to know about? Contact us on social media, share them using the #moveco #bestpractice, send us an email or get in touch with the MOVECO partnership.

We are looking forward to hearing from the circular world outside in the Danube regions!  

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(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)