FORESDA - Dubrovnik Becomes the Center of European Wood Industry and Forestry!


The 3rd edition of the Adriatic Wood Days ( will be held in Dubrovnik at the beginning of December (4-6.12.2017).

During three days, this central sectoral conference in the Mediterranean will host a numerous sectoral experts, important policy makers and other relevant stakeholders from business, academia, media, etc, which will through 4 conferences and 3 workshops discuss topics related to:

· hotel interiors furnishing and product design · greater use of wood in construction · managing forests on islands · timber trade and wood products marketing · future of biomass and RES: position of pellets and cogeneration in RED II directive · organizing the sector through clusters and associations · importance of quality and certification

In addition to these topics, an important part of the programme will be related to EU projects and funding.  There will be a EU project idea market, a stock-exchange-like platform that opens a space for participants (companies, R&D institutions, associations, consultants…) to express their ideas and collaborate with each other on projects. Representatives of regional clusters, sectoral associations, institutions and companies from the Croatia and SEE region, have started the initiatives for project ideas with aim to improve wood-processing sector and forestry and especially to promote wood as an environmentally and renewable material. One of the partners in this workshop will be Slovenian R&D center of excellence InnoRenew CoE (, developed and financed by Horizon 2020. Leaders of this international project Andreja Kutnar, Ph.D. and Črtomir Tavzes, Ph.D., from the University of Primorska, have been involved in numerous projects and have valuable experiences in developing project activities, which they will present at AWD.

AWD presets market developments and show the trends in the related subsectors to the sector companies, their owners and managers.

AWD ensures interaction with relevant national and the EU officers responsible for the preparation of future policies and strategies, with stakeholders, sector associations, clusters and NGOs, to exchange useful ideas and professional opinions.

AWD gives an insight into the existing technological equipment of the sector and provides an opportunity for technologies and services suppliers to present innovative solutions that will increase the sector competitiveness.

AWD in Dubrovnik is a great opportunity for meeting and networking with many important stakeholders!

Watch VIDEO TEASER here!

Additional information and registration at or +385 98 9282610 Rosana Šimunović.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)