FORESDA - D.3.2.1. Benchmarking - Joint SWOT Analysis


The second activity in WP3 consists in the SPECIFICATION OF TRANSNATIONAL NEEDS for improved technology transfer and innovation processes, especially for SMEs, in the forest-based sector, with a specific focus on cross-sectoral value chains, which will be addressed jointly by the partners in the framework of the project. First of the steps to be implemented is the benchmarking - joint SWOT analysis (JSA) which is done during the dedicated online project meeting organized on October 10th. The JSA is performed on the basis of the regional mapping activities conducted in each project region/country (Activity 3.1). In relation to the scope of the project, JSA especially encompassed cross comparison of the regional innovation systems and identification of education, research, innovation and policy gaps as well as other complementarities and synergies.

The joint SWOT analysis of FBI sector across FORESDA project partners' countries/regions illustrates several weaknesses that can cause a decrease of competitiveness. The observed opportunities could serve as guidelines for further development of this sector, which has to include more R&D activities in the entire sector on global level.

The following key performance indicators were discussed and analyzed:

  1.     Position in the Economy
  2.     Subsectors
  3.     Wood raw material
  4.     Average Salary
  5.     Company Size
  6.     Investments
  7.     FBI and Innovations
  8.     FBI Value Chain and Innovations
  9.     FBI, Supporting Structures and Innovations
  10.     Sector Policy Documents for R&D and Innovations
  11.     Educational System and R&D
  12.     Cross-sectoral Collaboration.

The joint SWOT analysis of FBI sector across FORESDA project partners' regions/countries shows that FBI sectors are of the great potential when considering cross-sectoral activities and projects. At the moment, examples of cross-sectoral collaboration exist, but they need much higher visibility in order to stimulate further cross-sectoral links and innovation initiatives. In spite of the public image of the FBI sectors, which does not mirror the real potential and impacts that those sectors have and will have in the future, there are few indicators which show that exactly cross-sectoral collaboration will be one of the most important directions of FBI sectors in the future. As most challenging obstacles that are to overcome, the improvement of the educational system, which, at the moment, does not follow real market trends, as well as redefining of the investment framework, including funding programmes and activities of the supporting structures on all levels have been identified. Additionally, current business philosophy or marketing strategy of SMEs is not in favour the development of R&D and innovation activities; Most of the SMEs are limited when it comes to the practicing of R&D activities, mainly because of lack of experts but also lack of company's vision of future business development.  Therefore, the findings of the JSA in this document will be used as guidelines in creating the Transnational Strategy as well as Local Action Plans across PPs regions/countries, and improving their respective regional innovation system, so that the FB industries could eventually utilize the cross-sectoral potential and contribute to the engine for creating a more sustainable and competitive bioeconomy in the Danube Region. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)