DARLINGe - DARLINGe held its 1st Transnational Stakeholder Forum Meeting on October 18, 2017 in Budapest


One of DARLINGe's key objective is to establish a contact with all actors of the entire geothermal value chain (ministries, public authorities, governmental and sectorial agencies, industrial partners, SME-s and service providers, project developers and operators, municipalities, financing institutions, researchers and civil society) in order to tailor project activities to meet their actual demands. During the 1st Period the project established a Stakeholder Database (D.3.2.1) containg data of 954 stakeholders from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania. Out of this vast number, 3 organizations/companies from each country were selected to be representatives in the Transnational Stekeholder Forum (TSF), with whom the project consortium will have an active and alive contact.

The TSF held its first meeting on October 18, 2017 in Budapest, where the main goals and the progress of the project were introduced. The TSF members appreciated our results achived so far, and provided some valuable comments on future work.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)