Learning by Doing - Creating a vision of the "ideal" WBL VET model in Canton Sarajevo - First step in developing a long-term strategy for more effective modernization of the WBL system in the VET system in Canton Sarajevo


The Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, organized on the October 25 2017 a workshop with aim to define vision of the ideal WBL VET model in Canton Sarajevo. 
The aim of the workshop was that the project participants, primarily representatives of schools and companies, as well as the Chamber and the Ministry, based on the identified challenges and experiences gained during the study visits to Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia, create a joint vision of the "ideal" WBL in the VET system. Numerous proposals presented by the participants throu group work at the meeting will be considered at the next workshop, on which the final text of the vision should be agreed. These workshops are also the first step in developing a long-term strategy for more effective modernization of the WBL system in the VET system in Canton Sarajevo.

Moderator of workshop was Mrs. Amina Isanović Hadžiomerović, employee of the Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)