EcoInn Danube - Green ECOinnovation Forum in Czech Republic


The ECOinnovation Forum with the motto "Sustainable Technologies for the Future" was primarily focused on emergence of modern solutions for everyday life. From 30th November to 1st December 2017 in the attractive space of Chateau Krtiny met representatives of international and national institutions, academic and research sphere and representatives of innovative companies of all sizes. ECOinnovation Forum offered to all participants really interesting discussions on current and future trends and presentation of modern sustainable technologies that can ensure the global competitiveness of European Union countries.


The first day of the ECOinnovation Forum introduced a cross-section of technological innovations that increase the quality of life and concurrently contribute to the protection of the environment. The programme did not just stay only in the debate about visions. ECOinnovation Forum also was aimed to highlight interesting international projects that bring solutions in the field of modern energy, transport and circular economic. A key part of the first day programme was the introduction of European eco startups.


Gradually were introduced following projects. EASYMILE - French startup with the aim of creating autonomous electric-powered minibuses that can offer for passenger’s shuttle at the airports or suburban areas. Next, PHYSEE - Dutch startup that manufactures windows producing eco electricity. Then, ROTOBY - Polish startup specialized in technology of innovative eco thermoplastic wind turbine leaves. Next CLICK ON – Czech startup offering a wireless smart switch on handle of door. And finally AQUAQUBE – Czech startup that invented unique water purification technology. 


The winner of the competition was startup AQUAQUBE - Czech water purification technology. AquaQube is a device that improves the quality of life of its users by radically reducing the impact of chemicals in their lives. It creates naturally pure drinking water by removing bacteria, viruses, chlorine as well as chemicals, pesticides, hormones or medicines form wells or tap water. Thanks to the active oxygen technology AQUAQUBE can prolong food freshness by removing chemicals or pesticides from its surface. It can be also used as an ecological disinfection.



The other blocks of ECOinnovation Forum were focused on support of Czech research projects. Block "Innovation in International Dimension" introduced successful practice of innovative companies such as FENIX TNT, ASIO or MSR Engines. Section "Waste used as source" offed solutions leading to higher effectivity of water management and waste management in the cities and in the industrial companies. In this block were introduced companies SWECO with technology for utilization of sewage sludge or NAFIGATE Corporation with revolutionary Czech biotechnology for processing of used frying oil.


Friday's Round Table "Innovation in Low Carbon Technologies for the Next Decade" offered a debate of Mrs. Alena Hosnedlova Sales Director in Nano Energies Group, Mr. LudÄ›k Niedermayer member of European Parliament, Mr. Jiri Hlavenka successful Investor (, Mr. Jan Ších Director of Department of Innovation in CEZ Group about tools that can play a crucial role in starting up innovative companies their promotion to world markets. On the second Round Table “Good practice in technology transfer in international scale” discussed representatives of technology transfer offices in an informal way about increasing of cooperation effectiveness between the R & D sector and firms.

Link to the photos of the event 





Petr Majer, BIC Brno

GSM+ 420 607 542 728


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)