EcoInn Danube - International Stakeholder Meeting in Velenje


On 23.01.2018, PP2 KSENNA organized "International stakeholder meeting" with aim to identify solutions to overcome common obstacles that hinder the uptake of eco-innovations. Host organization of the events was SASA Inkubator from Velenje, Slovenia.
Participants discussed about actual needs and requirements of the Danube region for innovations focused specifically on areas of sustainable energy, environmental protection and the circular economy. The event featured national and foreign experts participating in 2 panel sessions, best practice examples of Slovenian companies and start-ups and attendance of experts in the fields of investment, energetics, circular economy, intellectual property, sustainable arhitecture and more. In the First session, EcoInn project was presented by Peter Kaldos from Digitalis Jolet, followed by Simona Pede from bwCON presenting the organization and results of the Green summer school and Andrea Pitzschke from Economica presenting some results of the National reports on obstacles and opportunieties in the partner countries. 
The presentations were followed by representatives from Gorenje, BOSCH and AMIBIT who talked about their companies and their eco-innovative solutions. After that a panel discussion started with topic of: Bringing ideas to the market, opportunities and pitfals. Second session started with open space discussion on the strategy for the future development of innovation support structures in the Danube region. Panelist were international experts from Croatina, Czech Republic, Austria and Serbia. They discussed a few topics between them and the audience such as Administrative issues on eco-innovations, High education, EcoInn project implementation, Major obstacles preventing market uptake of eco-innovative products, Funding of research and development and other.









Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)