RI2integrate - First Year Review and WG meeting in Szeged


The first Year Review monitoring event will be hold in Szeged.

In February the JS going to visit to Szeged to monitoring the project. The First Year Review personal meeting is a natural monitoring procedure which is necessary in case of every DTP's project. The partners are giving an overview about the results, implementations and processes of the first project year. The event will be on Szeged, at 6th of February

On the second day (7th of February) the partners will hold a workgroup meeting where the main topic is the 4th work package's partial results and next steps. 




Day 1 – (6 February 2018, 10:00-18:00)

9:45 - Arrival and registration of participants

10:30 - Welcome speech (Mr David Bereczkei – Project manager)

10:35 - First Year Review opening (Marius Niculae – Joint Secretariat)

10:45 - WP1 – current status, achieved results, future plans (Petra Szűcs – LP: ELI-ALPS)

11:45 - WP2 – current status, achieved results, future plans (Ales Strmecki – PP6: UM)

12:45 - Lunch

13:45 - WP3 – current status, achieved results, future plans (Wolfgang Schabereiter – PP4: FHJ)

14:45 - WP4 – current status, achieved results, future plans (Ákos Szépvölgyi – PP1: CTRIA)

15:45 - Coffee break

16:00 - Summary and discussing (All Partners and JS)


Day 2 - (7 February 2018, 9:00-13:00)

9:00 - Coffee break

9:30 - WP4 – Activity 4.1 (Jan Stachura – PP3: IOP)

10:00 - WP4 – Activity 4.2 (Mircea Sbarna – PP2: IFIN-HH)

10:30 - WP4 – Activity 4.3 (Ákos Szépvölgyi – PP1: CTRIA)

11:00 - SC meeting (Zoltán Barta – Közép-Pannon Ltd (External expertise) )

12:00 - Lunch


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)