EcoInn Danube - „INOMA – be the best and win“


Croatian Association of Innovators „INOMA“ published a call „INOMA – be the best and win“ with the aim to support 18th World Day of Intellectual Property and the Day of Međimurje County. Categories in which applicants can apply are:

  • best innovation (draft, the prototype of a new product)
  • best industrial design (draft, souvenir, tourist product)
  • best stamp (logo)
  • best authored work (business plan, literature, music, software)
  • best geographic product or service.

Who can apply?

Applicants can be pupils from elementary and high schools, teachers, professors, individuals and teams. The competition is open until 7th of April 2018. You can apply here:

For more information visit:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)