EcoInn Danube - Green Summer School 2018 in Slovakia


Young talents and entrepreneurs with a focus on sustainable business models have the possibility to apply for the Green Summer School in Bratislava in Slovakia until April 30, 2018. If you have already accomplished the first steps in finding a solution to a given problem and you are motivated to improve your sustainable product or service in order to go to market, then apply!

During the five-day workshop in last week of June 2018 participants will be working intensively on the validation of their business model. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to receive professional feedback from coaches and experts within the sector of green and eco innovation. They will focus on topics like revenue model, finance, marketing and sales as well as intellectual property rights. At the end of the Green Summer School, every participant will have a clear understanding of how revenues can be generated successfully, which promotion channels are the most important for the target group and how they can protect their property rights.

On the last days, participants will pitch their ideas to a jury of experts.

The Green Summer School takes place from 25 to 30 June 2018 in Bratislava. The event is part of the EcoInn Project implemented within the Danube Transnational Programme and co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA contribution)! Participation is free of charge! The organizer will cover travel and accommodation to limited number of participants – for further information please read here.

Applications of startup teams and individual entrepreneurs or talents from all over Europe are appreciated and may be submitted here until 30th April 2018.



  • Eco-Innovation & Eco-Design Principles
  • Digital Marketing Strategy & Growth Hacking
  • Intellectual Property Right
  • Funding Strategies & Sales Workshop
  • Green Business Model Validation

For possible inquiries please contact Nina Bratkova from the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information

Information box

Date:                                   25th June 2018 – 30th June 2018

Duration:                             Five days

Time:                                   09:00 – 17:00

Place:                                 Bratislava, the concrete venue will be confirmed soon

Fee:                                    free admission 


Updates and more information will be available here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)