DARLINGe - DARLINGe will be present at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018


DARLINGe successfully applied for organizing a session "DECARBONIZATION OF THE HEATING AND COOLING SECTOR: COUPLING EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES WITH SECURITY OF HEAT SUPPLY at the Policy Conference at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018, to be held in Brussels, June 4-8, 2018. In addition to the presentation of  "Uptake of geothermal heating in Central and Eastern Europe" focusing on DARLINGe results, the session will also cover topics of biomass, waste to heat energy recovery as well as innovative uses of geothermal energy.

All interested stakeholders in the RES heating-cooling sector are warmly welcome!

We will keep you updated on the final agenda and exact time and location of the Session.

For general info on EUSEW2018 please visit: https://www.eusew.eu/


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)