MOVECO - Circular Economy meets sustainable production


MOVECO was invited to present at the annual meeting of the Bavarian network of sustainable production WiProNa on March 20th, 2018 in Nuremberg/Germany. The interactive BarCamp format of the meeting was ideal to introduce the MOVECO project and to announce the toolbox that is currently under development. BarCamp events are open, participatory workshop-events, where the participants provide the content.


Many lively discussions in groups showed synergies between MOVECO and WiProNa network’s sustainability focus –for example in its circular approaches towards textile and PET recycling or a regional upcycling project for furniture.

MOVECO and WiProNa will keep in touch and collaborate where possible, connecting results from the European level and the region. WiProNa connects 24 partners who are working on developing new materials and technologies for closed material cycles, improving their material and energy efficiency and identifying and developing further potentials for sustainability for their company.

For more information about WiProNa, please visit:

The MOVECO partnership comprises representatives from government agencies, business support organisations, research and development facilities and civil society organisations – all committed to unleashing the circular economy in the Danube region.

For more information about MOVECO, we invite you to visit our website and follow us on social media.

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(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)