GREEN DANUBE - at a National Working Meeting on EUSDR


On Thursday, April 26th 2018, ACTEDJ was invited to participate in the working meeting organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the context of the upcoming presidency of the EUSDR that will be held by Romania and the future funding opportunities design for the EUSDR.

The working meeting was focused on identifying the main issues that the EUSDR beneficiaries are currently facing in terms of accessing and implementing EUSDR funding and also to create a working group that will tackle the future challenges and opportunities. The working group comprised initially representatives of the 12 counties and municipalities located in the Romanian Danube Region. GREEN DANUBE was presented by Mrs Irina-Serban Atanasiu, ACTEDJ communication officer, as a successful ongoing initiative not only for the EUSDR but also for the “Lower Danube” Euroregion.  Lesson learnt within specifically, as to improve the transportation, providing environmental friendly solutions in order to connect the stakeholders in the Danube Region, by facilitating the best practices exchange, at the level of 7 countries. The GREEN DANUBE Environmental Information Centres were presented as an opportunity network to be accessed by all the stakeholders.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Local Public Authorities of all 12 Romanian Danubian counties and municipalities and moderated by the Minister-Delegate for European Affairs, Victor Negrescu, with the support of the Ministry of the Regional Development and Public Administration.

More info on the EUSDR work in Romania: 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)