GREEN DANUBE - 4th Partners meeting


Last week the fourth partners meeting of the GREEN DANUBE project took place in Duisburg, Germany on the 08th and 09th of May 2018, hosted by the German partner DST - Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems.

On the first day project administrative topics were addressed, following by a presentation on the performance of air quality measurements and discussions on them as well as on the further usage of the measurement results.

The second day started with work package four “Greening Technologies”, whereby interesting results of concluded reports were shown and a finalised project output was presented: The Greening Database - whose aim is to provide a knowledge base on IWT vessels regime and green technologies as well as other information of strategic significance. (The database is available under following link:

Furthermore, the Development of a Policy Agenda including an outlook on national workshops concerning this topic was discussed, as well as the development of the GREEN DANUBE environmental information centres within the work package “Raising public awareness” was presented and contentwise discussed subsequently.

The last part of the meeting was used to gain information on the DTP Capitalisation Strategy as well as to discuss some project management issues e.g. the next partner meeting, which will be at the beginning of October 2018.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)