GREEN DANUBE - synergy with EASME project*


Within the context of disseminating the project results and connecting them with other relevant initiatives in the area, on 1st and 2nd August 2018, GREEN DANUBE Project was presented by ACTEDJ team during two of the series of the Mutual learning Conferences of the Blue NET Project – Maritime Clusters Network for Blue Growth that took place in Cahul, Republic of Moldova, respectively in Izmail, Ukraine.

Blue NET’s general objective is to enhance the SME’s capacity to develop networking among maritime clusters with the aim of diffusing innovation and to achieve an added value for the maritime policy in the areas of Adriatic, Ionian and Black Seas.  Blue Net aims to build a bridge between private and public stakeholders from 6 countries, enabling a cooperation environment between academia and public and private sector actors focused on innovation needs from maritime industry.

Although maritime transport and Inland Waterway Transport are different sectors with their own particularities, there is the opportunity for cross-fertilization of technologies and methodologies between the two sectors. For the present stakeholders in the neighbour countries– representatives of port operators and public authorities it was a great chance to learn about the outputs and events of common interest.

GREEN DANUBE shares some of the Blue NET’s stakeholders and after the information session, synergies between the two projects were presented as GREEN DANUBE can be noted as a best practice initiative in promoting innovative, green technologies and the need for transnational cooperation in this field.


For more info on the Blue NET project: 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)