ResInfra@DR - Research infrastructure/s in the Danube region: How to get involved in an expert community? Follow us on LinkedIn!
According to the project mission to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure and innovation in the Danube region, ResInfra@DR project is in constant exchange with a wide range of stakeholders! Experts, media and broader public can get informed about project’s progress and insider news via a range of channels: For breaking news please follow ResInfra@DR on Facebook and Twitter via handle @ResInfraDR
If you like to take part in the ResInfra@DR expert conversation please follow our new LinkedIn page and join our expert group:
For press requests please contact Ms Pamela Bartar, ResInfra@DR communication manager c/o Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI):
Learn more about ResInfra@DR
Image source: Pixabay, image by PublicDomainPictures, CC0 creative commons