eGUTS - eGUTS rally Announcement


Join our interregional E-Rally at the Mobility Festival on the 22nd of September 2018 in Bruck an der Leitha/Bruckneudorf.

Within the framework of the Danube project eGUTS associations from Austria, Hungary and Slovakia organize an interregional E-Mobility Rally at the Mobility Event in Bruck/Leitha.

Around 15 available E-cars will start directly at the Mobility Event and from there drive to the Hungarian border town Hegyeshalom. The next station on the track will be the Slovakian part of the Danube region south from Bratislava, where tourism locations can be visited. All around, this Rally will have around 100km, will last about 2-3 hours and will finish at the starting point in Bruck/Leitha. So come and experience the feeling of driving an E-car! 


22. September 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr Railway station (Park & Ride station) Lagerstraße 3, Bruckneudorf.

A colorful program on public transport and eco-friendly mobility at the P&R station Bruck/Leitha station and at the Theodor-Körner square. Inform, try out, win – on various information stations, trainings at the mobile ticket vending machine & online ticket purchase, street painting campaign, bike salon with biking curiosities, faxi shuttle, testing of e-bikes, e-cars, Segways, lottery raffle, bicycle traffic safety course for children, pump track, bouncy castle

10:00 Start of activities

11:00 Opening by the Mobility Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko and Governor Hans Nießl

11:45 Start of the eGUTS rally from the railway station (Park & Ride station) Bruck/Leitha and Bruckneudorf

Approximately 15:30 pm return e-car rally

For the culinary is the autumn heurigen at the railway station Bruckneudorf, next to the P + R facility, taken care of!

A cooperation of the mobility management Industrieviertel, the mobility center Burgenland, the municipality Bruck an der Leitha, the large community Bruckneudorf-Kaisersteinbruch, the project eGUTS and the Region Römerland-Carnuntum as part of the European Mobility Week.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)