DA-SPACE - Future plans of Local Demo Day Winning Team


After winning the local demo day the team of young talents, who developed a multi material, self-calibrating 3D printer will make an attempt to go further and use its innovation potential to form a start-up company, working in the field of additive manufacturing. They already developed a prototype of a 3D printer and the next steps are design optimization from manufacturing point of view, market analysis, and developing a business plan. A couple of meetings with business support organizations are already planned.

 You can check out their Facebook page here.

Also, besides the winning solution, the rest of the co-creation projects had a significant impact on the cooperation between academic, business and public sectors. Some of young talents who participated in the first cycle of OIL are hired by the seekers, with the possibility of implementing some solutions in the practice as well as further R&D.

The first cycle, or the pilot phase, of the Open Innovation Lab on DA-SPACE project was a great preparation for the next cycle. Of course, there are few improvements here and there to be implemented in order to follow closely the principles of Open Innovation, cooperation and co-creation processes.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)