DAPhNE - International workshop on port management models


On 5th September 2018, Constanta Maritime Ports Administration organized an international workshop on port management models in the frame of DAPhNE project, where project partners and other relevant representatives of the authorities and stakeholders from the port industry were invited.

After a brief DAPhNE project presentation and a short status report on the related activity and Work Package 4, the representative of the activity leader Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (HFIP) presented the conclusions of the National Reports on Port Management Models which were elaborated in six Danube riparian countries (AT, RO, BG, HR, HU, SK).

The draft of Good Practices Report was also presented in a manner which led to the identification of some valuable recommendations and solutions related to this topic. Moreover, different points of view were collected during the interactive debates that took place at the end of the workshop.

The feedback received at the international workshops will be reflected in the final version of the recommendations for enhancing and harmonizing the port management model. The output will be compiled relying on know-how transfer and joint regional cooperation in order to help support a better economic port performance in the area, while also considering a minimum environmental impact.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)