SENSES - SENSES Summer School on Social Innovation suceessfully organized


On the 24-27 September 2018, SENSES partnership in cooperation with the SIC partnership (financed under H2020) has successfully organized the SENSES Summer School on Social Innovation. Throughout the three days, participants have been introduced into the world of social innovations from theoretical considerations to practical applicability. During the morning sessions, participants have been invited to attend to presentations in the themes of cities and the culture of co-creation, social economy in cities and the development of SI ecosystem. While, in the afternoons, participants were dealing with carefully selected challenges of the city of Budapest identified within the SENSES project.


Alternative solutions for societal problems occurring due to demolishing residential building in the 9th district in Budapest.
Increasing difficulties of people living in Budapest due to dramatically increasing housing rental fees;
Supporting start-up and young entrepreneurs in the city of Budapest.

The developed solutions were presented on the last day.  Should you be interested, please see details below:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)