
First National Stakeholder Meeting in the Republic of Moldova within WOMEN IN BUSINESS project, held by Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM) took place on October 23rd.

The event brought together representatives of public authorities, business support organizations, associations, chambers, women entrepreneurs, other organizations in the field of women entrepreneurship.

In the workshop were presented the objectives and activities of the WOMEN IN BUSINESS project, the results of the interviews with the partners involved and were discussed challenges and  opportunities that young women face when starting own business and existing support policies for young women entrepreneurs in Republic of Moldova. In the context of the meeting were elected the members of the Advisory Board, who will be directly involved in the activities of the Project.


Petru Gurgurov, Interim General Director of ODIMM, highlighted the importance of supporting women entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova. "We are delighted that ODIMM is a partner and implementer of the Women in Business Project within the Danube Transnational Program. It is complementary to the business support projects and programs that ODIMM already implements at national level", mentioned Petru Gurgurov.

Iulia Costin, General State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and founder of the National Women's Platform of the Republic of Moldova, welcomed the activities of the Women in Business project, mentioning that women need support and all initiatives are welcome. "In the Republic of Moldova, 27 per cent of entrepreneurs are women. This figure out that there are women who can serve as a model of involvement and responsibility, which in turn can inspire young women that have unexplored potential", said Iulia Costin.

"The first component of the Women in Business project aims to analyze the current situation, namely identifying the needs and barriers encountered by young women who want to create and develop their own business. Today, we introduced our project activities to representatives of stakeholders within the first meeting groups will be organized periodically," said Silvia Cangea-Digolean, project manager.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)