GREEN DANUBE - at the Science and Research on the Danube Conference


On the 26th of October ACTEDJ’s representatives participated at the 4th edition of the Conference “Science and research on the Danube” held in Galati by TEHNOPOL, presenting GREEN DANUBE during the works of the Conference.

The event was designed for the development of innovative and sustainable partnerships as well as for the proximity of communities, with the participation of public authorities and the business community in the company of His Excellency Mr. Emil Rapcea, General Consul of Romania in Odessa.

GREEN DANUBE was presented as an example of innovative best practice in tackling one of the main issues concerning the air pollution caused by inland waterway transport through the campaign of measurements. The Database with greening technologies and best practices, together with the national workshops on the validation of the Greening Toolkit were also promoted.

The conference presented partnership opportunities, opening new ways for cooperation between present stakeholders from the public, private or civil society, to implement the new EU Urban Agenda by reaching Sustainable Development Goals towards an integrated and sustainable system for communities and cities. In this framework, all the participants – included also in the GREEN DANUBE Stakeholders database, were informed and invited to the upcoming pilot event within the newly created Environmental Information Center in Galati on November 9th.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)