GREEN DANUBE - Kick off Green Danube , 23 February



Date: 23 February, 2017

Venue: DelMar Hotel, Mamaia/ Constanta

09.00:09.50 - Welcome coffee and registration

09.50:10.10 - Welcome speech by the General Manager of CERONAV– Ovidiu Sorin Cupșa

10.10:10.30 - Opening speech by the representative of Romanian Ministry of  Transport/ the representative of EUSDR PA1a Co-ordinator– Liliana Sitaru

10.30:10.50 - Opening speech by the representative of Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat – Ana Legănel

10.50:11.00 - Opening speech by the representative of the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds –Andreea Pena

11.00:11.30 - Coffee break

11.30:11.50 - GREEN DANUBE Project contribution to air pollution reduction in the Danube region– Teodor Popa/ CER

11.50:12.30 - Introduction to GREEN DANUBE Consortium – All PPs

12.30:14.00 - Lunch break

14.00:14.10 - Keynote I – Environment protection in protected areas in the Danube Delta – Grigore Baboianu/ DDBRA

14.10:14.20 - Keynote II – Environment protection measures of port operators – Laurentiu Mironescu/ Port Business Association

14.20:14.30 - Keynote III – Best practices in maritime pollution prevention – Răzvan Popescu Mirceni/ Oceanic Club

14.30:14.40 - Synergetic projects: DANTE – Robert  Rafael/ PDM

14.40:14.50 - Synergetic projects: Danube SKILLS – Ghiuler Manole/ CER

14.50:15.00 - Synergetic projects: DAPHNE – Robert Rafael/ PDM

15.00:15:20 - Coffee break

15.20:15.30 - Innovative greening technologies  – Valery Penchev/ BDCA

15.30:15.45 - European environment policy support– Peter Szuppinger/ REC

15.45:16.00 - Concept of environmental information centres – Doina Munteanu/ CER

16.00:17.30 - Visit of CERONAV

19.00:22.00- Gala Dinner


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)