InnoSchool - Territorial Kick-off event in Prijedor, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Agency PREDA-PD organized the kick-off meeting and the first public event on 27th November 2018 within the InnoSchool Project - "Strengthening Social Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit of Secondary Schools’ Students by Using Highly Innovative Learning System".

The event was attended by representatives of educational institutions, local government, Ministry of education and culture of Republic of Srpska, business sector and relevant non-governmental organizations. The project manager Ms. Milena Gnjatovic Simatovic presented the project objectives and major activities related to involvement of secondary schools and teachers, NGOs, businesses and Ministry of education and culture. It was highlighted the importance of active participation of all relevant actors in order to help students gain relevant competences.

During the discussion, all participants were actively involved. It was stressed that it will be necessary to work on modernization of present curriculum related to entrepreneurship, in order to integrate serious game into schools in RS. Deputy of Minister of education and culture of RS, Ms. Radmila Kocic Cucic emphasized support and role of the Ministry in implementation of the InnoSchool project and introduced the participants with activities that Ministry has been undertaking which can be a valuable inputs for development of innovative learning system in RS, such as standards of occupations. Professors are highly interested in any kind of improvement of educational sessions since they have been working with students and know what the major obstacles are. Business sector and NGOs representatives were thrilled with the project objectives and activities because they have been aware of issues in education, entrepreneurship and social needs. 

All participants had shown their interest to actively participate in InnoSchool project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)