eGUTS - Thematic day on electromobility in Brno


Czech partner of the eGUTS project, CDV Brno (Transport Research Centre), continuously watches trends and news from the area of transport, conducts surveys and analyses, and science, research, and innovation for the public and private sectors. It also serves as an advisory body for transport policies.

In the center, the so-called thematic days for internal information and discussion on individual themes were introduced. Within these events, researchers discuss current topics, new trends in certain areas, such as research and development outcomes. At the same time, they also try to find common positions for usability in their work.

On such a thematic day, a meeting of people interested in electromobility took place. Present activities of CDV, news in the Czech Republic and future cooperation possibilities were also presented. One of the lecturers was Libor Špička, a representative of the Czech Project Partner of the eGUTS project. He presented the objectives of the project, the completed outputs so far and the planned activities until the end of the project in 2019. Then a discussion took place between the participants and questions were answered mainly on the results and the connection with other activities of the company.

Colleagues have shown satisfaction with new learning opportunities and the availability of eGUTS training modules.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)