
The forwarder drive by hybrid engine helped create a team from the BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Department of Power Electrical Engineering and Electronics, which was led by Petr Procházka. The advantage of the solution is that it can be connected to any tractor and helps to increase performance immediately. Moreover, the use of hydraulic motors in the forwarder wheels helps to divide the load and reduce soil erosion in the forest. Alternative engines on work machines help reduce emissions. Electric engines are now booming in agriculture or construction, says Petr Procházka.

The main idea of the BUT specialists consisted of the accumulation of energy in the forwarder and its subsequent use. “That's why there is an electric drive that has two engines. They propel the pumps, which subsequently drives the hydro-motors in the forwarder wheels. In addition, we put a generator that charges the battery in the forwarder while driving on the plane road or when loading the wood. When it is needed, for example, when driving uphill, it delivers energy to drive the wheels,” explains the principle of the equipment Petr Procházka. This solution does not require a stronger tractor. “The price difference between 80 and 120 kilowatt-tractors is substantially more significant than the cost increase associated with the hybrid forwarder design.

The authors of the hybrid forwarder managed to receive the award at Silva Regina - Forestry and Hunting Fair. The project will run for another year and a half and experts from the Departure of Power Electrical Engineering and Electronics FEEC BUT are now preparing the prototype of the forwarder as a model for subsequent series production.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)