D2C - Analysis of Barriers in the Migration Corridors of Lynx


Lynx is a flagship species in Pilot Region 1. There is a new scientific source of data that identifies migration corridors of lynx in the Czech Republic (prepared by Agency of Nature Conservation of the Czech Republic, 2018). Som the task of the D2C project partner Ametyst (CZ) is to analyse planned barriers in migration corridors in the gap between Šumava and Novohradské hory in spatial plans. It will  build basis for further work on elimination of barriers identified in plans. This task is carried out in cooperation with another Interreg project 3lynx.

During December and January, together 18 spatial plans in the gap were analysed and many new areas for development were identified (ski resorts, roads, railway, housing). We will continue to finish whole gap and evaluate the most serious potential problems for migration of lynx.

Fell free to address the project partner Ametyst association regarding any question and sugestions.  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)