InnoSchool - Festival of Social Innovation - Kosice, Slovakia


The second week of November 2018 can be named the Week of Social Entrepreneurship, as in Kosice were held several workshops focused on various aspects of the topic. The team from the Technical University of Kosice were also actively participating and they presented the InnoSchool project  and the aims and planned activities of this project.

The topic of social innovation and social entrepreneurship is becoming more and more attractive in Slovakia and proof of this is a series of workshops that took place from the 5th to the 8th of November 2018 in the Eastern Slovakia - Kosice, under the leadership of the Pontis Foundation, as the Slovak partner in the Social (i) Makers project, implemented with the support of Interreg Central Europe Programme (

The events were thematically divided into several important topics directly related to social innovations. Discussed was active citizenship and motivation to engage in designing, testing and implementation of social innovation, cooperation of various stakeholders of quadruple helix, design thinking as approach in social innovation development etc.

One of the main topics was also social entrepreneurship, explaining different phases of social business, from the initial motivation and the preparatory phase, to its launch. Presented were various models of social business and how they differ from the classical ones.

Almost 30 people from various fields were very actively discussing the future of social entrepreneurship in Slovakia and possible tools to support that and make it more popular. Presented were e.g. Regional Centre of Social Economy, representatives of towns and villages willing to found social enterprise to help people who have not been able to find a job for a long time, people operating enterprise where work disabled and many other enthusiastic people, young, middle-aged and seniors, willing to help our society to face current social challenges.

The audience has positively commented on the InnoSchool project and its planned activities. All the participants agreed that there is a great need to raise awareness on the necessary solutions to social problems for young people who can find exceptional solutions for their creativity and thus have a great potential in the field of social entrepreneurship. Several attendees also showed an active interest in aiding in the design and implementation of future activities or disseminating information.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)