InnoSchool - Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship


On December 12th, 2018, the Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship took place in Rožňava (Slovakia). The information seminar was held to provide practical information on purpose of social entrepreneurship and possibilities emerging from newly adopted Act Nr. 112/2018 Code on Social Economy and Social Enterprises. The event was organized by Agency for Support of Regional Development Kosice within national project funded by Government Office of the Slovak Republic. The event was attended by project team of Technical University of Košice to introduce the forthcoming InnoSchool activities.

After the presentation of the act by representatives of Agency for Support of Regional Development Kosice the presentations on how to apply the concept of social entrepreneurship in real life took place by well-known speakers, like mayor of village Spissky Hrhov, successfully coping with unemployment for more than 15 years especially thanks to social municipal companies. The seminar also addressed the need of education of future generations where project InnoSchool and project ELDORA were introduced. Martin Dujčák from the Technical University of Kosice successfully presented the InnoSchool Project – its vision, steps and planned outcomes – with the aim, besides, rising the awareness of the activities, to attract experts from the field of social innovation and social entrepreneurship to join the formed advisory groups for the purposes of the design and implementation of serious games at the secondary schools.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)