
On February 6th South Muntenia Regional Development Agency organized a Pitching Event within SENSES project. The aim of the Pitching event was to establish collaboration relations between CSR companies and social enterprises, such as: exchange of experience, training, mentoring or good practices.

The event was attended by more than 30 persons, namely representatives of the social economy sector, of the business environment and local public administration. Social entrepreneurs presented their work, both through power point presentations and samples of their products, and the representatives of the jury provided ideas for a sustainable development of the activity and shared their business experience. 

The jury was formed by representatives of ASHOKA Romania, ING Bank, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Argeş and Gilda Niculescu, Head of Development Department, Development and Communication Directorate within South Muntenia Regional Development Agency.

The pitching was attended both by social entrepreneurs and by persons interested in developing a social business. ECO Extract Ghimpati, Compartir Foundation, Caritas Campulung Association are the social economy structures that have presented their work, impressing the jury and those present with the innovative social ideas and their dedication. Also, three more future entrepreneurs had presented their ideas to the jury. The SEs that were presented at the event will be supported and promoted by SMRDA, within a Promotion and Raising Awareness campaign which will be organized in the following period, as part of the Regional Action Plan that will be implemented by the end of the project. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)